The government announces measures against youth crime after several teenage robberies

The government announces measures against youth crime after several teenage robberies

Minister for Children and Families Kjersti Toppe (Sp) says she is worried. Several ministries have now worked together and the measures will be announced after the summer.

– There are measures for the youth group that is behind serious crime, says the Minister for Children and Families NRK.

She does not want to say anything about what kind of measures are involved, but emphasizes that you cannot lock yourself out of the problem.

Must prevent

– We must get better at prevention, and at the same time strengthen the community so that the children can be part of it and have a positive development.

On Tuesday, a 15-year-old boy was robbed by several young boys in the middle of Karl Johan. The night before, another boy was attacked and threatened with a knife at the National Theatre. Even then, there were several young boys who were behind.

Both boys are in Oslo in connection with the Norway Cup. In this regard, parents and coaches have asked the players not to wear branded clothing.

More police

Høyre’s justice policy spokesperson Mari Holm Lønseth believes the government has ignored a serious development in youth crime for a long time.

– Since the Støre government took over, there have been 626 fewer police officers. We need more police officers to deal with this crime, she tells NTB.

There must be a quick and tangible reaction when young people commit crime, Lønseth believes. The Høyre’s solution is a fast track to get juvenile criminals sentenced and more detention places for young people.

Prevention is also important, she emphasizes.

– Young people in the risk zone for getting into crime should be followed and given one-to-one follow-up.

#government #announces #measures #youth #crime #teenage #robberies
2024-08-02 03:15:18



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