the government announces a vast control plan for the 7,500 establishments in France in two years

Following the scandal brought to light by the book-investigation Les Fossoyeurs reporting abuse in certain retirement homes of the Orpea group, the government announced on Tuesday a “extensive control plan” 7,500 Ehpad in two years. The objective is to “prevent abuse” and the plan will begin with establishments that “have been reported“and will be”accompanied by a long-term and significant reinforcement of the human resources of the regional health agencies (ARS) dedicated to controls“, announced the State Secretariat for Autonomy in a press release.

This announcement comes as the CGT and FO unions called for a strike on Tuesday in the Ehpad of the Orpea group and the clinics of its subsidiary Clinea. They are demanding better working conditions and care for the people housed. In the book-investigation Les Fossoyeurs, journalist Victor Castanet revealed cases of abuse in certain establishments: rationed meals, patients left for several hours in their excrement, etc. The book describes a system where everything is rationed to improve the profitability of the group.

More recently, the program Cash Investigation on France 2 also denounced certain practices in nursing homes of the Korian group. Elise Lucet and her team wanted “reveal the methods“from the group of private nursing homes”to maximize their profits, often to the detriment of the well-being of residents and the working conditions of their employees“.

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