The Government announced benefits in the purchase of dollars for those who subscribe to the price agreement

2023-08-26 14:12:45

The national government provided benefits this Saturday for those who “sign price agreements with the Ministry of Commerce or adapt those currently in force” under the terms established by the agency, as published in the Official Gazette.

Decree 433/2023 indicates that “they may enjoy until October 31, 2023, inclusive, the following benefits: “The suspension of the payment of charges that may fall on the purchase of bills and foreign currency for the importation of goods included in the tariff positions of the Mercosur Common Nomenclature (NCM) established by the Ministry of Economy”.

These, “in no case may they be included in the tariff positions that correspond to luxury goods”, indicates the text signed by President Alberto Fernández; the Chief of Staff, Agustín Rossi; and the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa.

In addition, those who sign the price agreements will enjoy “the reduction to 0% of the export duty rate for the goods included in the tariff positions of the Mercosur Common Nomenclature” established by the portfolio led by Massa.

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