The government adopts new contracts for the rail in Belgium: here is what is planned

The Council of Ministers adopted new management contracts for SNCB and Infrabel this Friday morning. The objectives for the next 10 years are rather ambitious: 10% more trains and 30% more passengers. The minister concerned speaks of a “historic” moment for rail in Belgium. Is this really the case?

The new Belgian version of the rail management contract is Christmas a little early. Here’s what’s planned, on paper anyway.

  • 10% more trains by 2032.
  • For travelers: wider schedules, earlier and later.
  • Staff commitments: 2,000 per year.
  • A budget of 43.8 billion euros, an increase of 8.9%

We can really, I think, speak of a historical moment“, declares the Federal Minister for Mobility, Georges Gilkinet (Ecolo). We thus find a minister very proud to announce these investments as well as his vision of rail between 2023 and 2032.

One question remains: who will pay? “We are the ones who pay as beings, because railway undertakings play an essential role“, says Georges Gilkinet. We point out to him that there will still be price increases for categories of train tickets. But from when? “Each year there will be an adjustment to the evolution of the cost of living. […] But we really create reductions that we can accumulate, when we are young, when we are older and we take the train during off-peak hours, we will benefit from much more accessible fares than today“, he replies.

Yes, there will be new fares with more attractive subscriptions, but the standard ticket will increase. On February 1, it will cost you more: 8.73% more.

Hope and distrust on the trade union side

To assess the government’s budget and plan, we interview Pierre Lejeune. He is the national president of the CGSP cheminot (FGTB). After a first analysis, here is the verdict: he is positive on the duration (a plan for 10 years, it is very good), but he has doubts on the budget.

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A trade unionist’s view of management contracts and an initial analysis. Positive over time: a plan for 10 years is very good. But on the budget, there are doubts. “Investment promises are often followed by savings plans. So we’re a little wary of that. Today, we are starting from a largely degraded situation. Degraded so much on the quality of public service today, there are far too many trains canceled, punctuality is not there. But also degraded for the working conditions of the staff“, reacts Pierre Lejeune.

The Belgian train has made a new start with these management contracts. If they are respected, taking the train will be a very different experience in 10 years.

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