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The good reasons to fight the taboos surrounding sexualityPHOTO : Getty Images/iStock Photo / Prostock-Studio

Are we talking too much about sexuality in 2023? No, says sexologist Myriam Daguzan Bernier, who draws up a list of arguments proving how important it is still to talk about it. In particular, she mentions the persistent discomfort when discussing subjects such as masturbation or STBBIs.

The sexologist mentions that the vision of sexuality frequently conveyed is often discriminatory, putting aside the realities of the elderly, with disabilities or even of bodily diversity.

« Sex is still widely associated with young, lean, beautiful and capable bodies. However, sexuality is experienced everywhere and at any time, with bodies of all types, all sizes, all ages… »

A quote from

Myriam Daguzan Bernier, sexologist

She reports on common areas of concern in her office related to performance as well as restoring respect and trust in relationships after the #MeToo movement.