The good news stimulates the state-owned stocks headed by the Chinese prefix to stage a daily limit tide|On the market

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China Business News 2022-12-05 16:19:46

Editor in charge: Zhu Mengyun

The state-owned stocks headed by the Chinese prefix once once more staged a wave of daily limit today, and many stocks such as China Petroleum Capital, China Railway Construction, China Haicheng, and China Petroleum Engineering have daily limit. On the news, the Shanghai Stock Exchange has formulated a new round of comprehensive service arrangements for central enterprises, which proposes to promote the return of the valuation of central enterprises to a reasonable level, promote the professional integration of central enterprises, and promote the creation of a group of flagship central enterprise listed companies.

The good news stimulates the state-owned stocks headed by the Chinese prefix to stage a daily limit tide|On the market

The state-owned stocks headed by the Chinese prefix once once more staged a wave of daily limit today, and many stocks such as China Petroleum Capital, China Railway Construction, China Haicheng, and China Petroleum Engineering have daily limit. On the news, the Shanghai Stock Exchange has formulated a new round of comprehensive service arrangements for central enterprises, which proposes to promote the return of the valuation of central enterprises to a reasonable level, promote the professional integration of central enterprises, and promote the creation of a group of flagship central enterprise listed companies.

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