One of the most iconic films in history is Schindler’s List, the fiction starring Liam Neeson and directed by Steven Spielberg portrays the life of a member of the Nazi party, who during the Holocaust is responsible for saving the largest number of citizens Poles of Jewish origin who might. In addition to the story, it is one of the images of the film that has remained in the memory of viewers.
It is regarding a little girl, dressed in a red coat who walks the streets of the city, without any damage while the rest of the inhabitants are liquidated. Not only does her calmness draw attention, her character is the only one who appears in color amidst black and white scenes.
Currently, and 28 years following its premiere, the actress in charge of playing the “girl in red” is 32 years old and works on the border with Ukraine. This is Oliwia Dabrowska, who spends her days helping Ukrainian refugees who cross into Poland escaping from the war in her country, according to the media Deadline.
Dabrowska, who was only three years old when she starred in the emblematic scene, has used her social networks to be able to ask for help with everything they need at the border. “We need her help here on the Polish-Ukrainian border. All help is welcome: we need donations of materials and funding, you can also offer to volunteer in person. The situation is dramatic; I am also a volunteer here, at the border, and I have seen it with my own eyes,” said the actress.
From time to time the young woman shares updates on the situation at the border through her Instagram account. One of the latest was the story of a mother and her two children who were helped to escape to Germany, something they usually don’t do but mightn’t refuse. She has also taken the opportunity to thank all the help received, and the progress they have had, in addition to informing regarding the different ways to donate.