The building where the murder of the minor took place, in Oviedo.

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The building where the murder of the minor took place, in Oviedo.

The death stabbed to death by a 14-year-old girl in a flat Oviedo mobilized the Police early yesterday afternoon and froze the quiet block of flats where the crime was recorded. The girl appeared at the house of her neighbor, a 32-year-old Moldovan man who had recently moved into the property on a rental basis and who, in principle, was not related to the victim and her family. The scene that the agents found It was confusing: the minor still alive, although already dying, and her alleged attacker with deep stab wounds of different considerations. The Police immediately arrested him as the alleged perpetrator of a crime of homicide, as sources of the investigation specified, although at that time, the young man did not clarify anything as his injuries prevented him, all of them seriously although he does not fear for his life. According to the same sources, the girl had just returned from the institute and was going home to eat, where the His family was waiting. The investigators are considering two possibilities: that the arrested person injured himself after stabbing the minor or that she defended herself from the attack. It was her father and brother who left the house to look for her, worried about her lateness. Exiting the elevator, they found the trail of blood on the landing of the building. The trail led to the first floor (the deceased lived on the fourth), to the young man’s apartment. The neighbors, alerted by the family and given the father’s state of nervousness, took it upon themselves to sound the alarm to the Police through a call. The Police then traveled to the building, located at number 69 of the Vazquez de Mella street. The agents followed the river of blood, which led them to the first floor. Inside was the girl, still alive. Inside her there were moments that pushed the police to the limit. The agents insistently tried to revive her, although her efforts were unsuccessful. The minor died in the arms of one of them, with which they were devastated. In the same building, they found the young man seriously injured, although his life is not in danger. In a few minutes, the building concentrated a large number of Police and toilets. The judicial delegation also arrived with the judge on duty at the head, the lawyer from the Administration of Justice and the forensic doctor. The staff of the ambulances displaced to the scene of the events could only certify the death of the girl and stabilized the detainee. a few meters from where the father and brother were. Once they succeeded, they headed to a hospital. Since then, he has been hospitalized with a reserved prognosis in the Central University Hospital of Asturias (HUCA). homicide group of the Oviedo National Police took charge of the investigation. Apparently, the girl and the arrested man did not know each other or have any kind of relationship. The judge on guard duties decreed the secrecy of the proceedings. According to police sources, until late last night the agents of the Provincial Scientific Police Brigade and of the Judicial of the Oviedo Police Station continued to carry out investigations and take samples to clarify what happened. The investigations are now focused on determining what precipitated the murder of the minor and if there was any previous disagreement between the family and the tenant of the first floor, who had been residing there a little over three weeks. Late yesterday afternoon, the investigators began an interrogation round with neighbors and other witnesses that lasted well into the night to get closer to the circumstances that caused the crime. It has not transpired if the detainee has a police or judicial record. .

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