The Gender Gap in Orthodontics: Why Girls Embrace Braces More Than Boys

According to Barmer, there are differences in orthodontic treatment that cannot be explained purely medically. (Archive image) Stephanie Pilick/dpa/dpa-tmn

According to a study by the Barmer health insurance company, almost every second young person in Lower Saxony and Bremen receives orthodontic treatment – for example with braces. Although the proportion in both states is below the national average of 55 percent, the health insurance company is concerned that the proportion of girls in all 16 states is significantly higher than that of boys.

“The results suggest that girls may be receiving orthodontic treatment too often,” said Heike Sander, regional director of Barmer. She cited beauty ideals, peer pressure and possibly excessive parental care as possible reasons. In Lower Saxony, around 55 percent of girls and around 45 percent of boys receive such treatment. “This cannot be explained purely medically,” said Sander.

Orthodontics in Emden and Ammerland is rather rare

There are also regional differences within the state: Orthodontic treatment among young people is particularly common in the county of Bentheim (around 57 percent) and in the district of Osnabrück (around 54 percent), and comparatively rare in Emden and the district of Ammerland (around 47 percent each). These regional differences cannot be explained by jaw anomalies and misaligned teeth alone, said Sander.

For its report, Barmer analyzed the use of orthodontic treatments by children born in 2005 as a statutory health insurance benefit between 2013 and 2022. This included data from around 4,500 adolescents in Lower Saxony.

– What factors contribute to the higher rate of orthodontic treatment among girls compared to boys?

The Disparity in Orthodontic Treatment: Unraveling the Mystery Behind the Statistics

When it comes ⁢to orthodontic treatment, the numbers suggest that there is more to the story than meets the eye. According ‌to a recent study by Barmer, a leading German health insurance company, the proportion​ of young people receiving orthodontic treatment varies significantly⁢ across different regions and demographics. In ‍this article, we will delve into the details of‌ this phenomenon, exploring the possible reasons behind the disparities and‍ what they might imply.

The Alarming Trend: Girls vs. Boys

The Barmer study reveals that almost every ‍second ​young person in Lower Saxony and Bremen receives orthodontic treatment, with girls making up a disproportionately high percentage of⁤ those receiving treatment. In fact, the data shows that girls​ are more likely to receive orthodontic treatment than boys‍ in all 16 states in Germany. This trend has raised concerns among health professionals and insurance⁢ companies alike.

Beauty Ideals, Peer Pressure, and Parental Influence

Heike Sander, regional director ⁢of Barmer, attributes‌ this ‍disparity to non-medical factors such as beauty ideals, peer pressure, ⁢and ‌possibly excessive parental care. “The ⁣results suggest​ that girls may be receiving orthodontic treatment too often,” she notes. This raises ⁤questions about the role of‍ societal beauty standards in shaping the demand for orthodontic treatment.

Regional Variations: A Story of Contrasts

Interestingly, the study also reveals significant regional variations in orthodontic treatment rates.⁢ In Lower Saxony, for instance, around 55%​ of girls and 45% of‍ boys receive ⁢orthodontic treatment. In contrast, the⁣ regions of Emden ‍and Ammerland⁣ have relatively low rates of orthodontic treatment. These regional disparities cannot⁢ be explained purely medically, suggesting that other factors, such as cultural attitudes and healthcare infrastructure, may be at play.

The​ Implications ⁤of Disparity

The disparity in orthodontic treatment rates​ has‍ significant implications for ⁤healthcare policy and resource allocation. On one hand, ⁣it may indicate that some young people are receiving unnecessary treatment, placing an undue burden on the healthcare system. On the other⁢ hand, it may also suggest that ‍some regions or demographics are underserved, with limited access to orthodontic care.

Unraveling the Mystery

So, what explains the disparity in orthodontic treatment rates? Is it purely a matter of ​aesthetics, or are there deeper cultural and ⁢socioeconomic factors at play? Further research is needed to fully understand the complexities of this issue. However, one thing is clear: the disparity in orthodontic treatment rates is a wake-up call​ for healthcare professionals, policymakers, and ⁤parents alike⁤ to⁢ re-examine our priorities and values.


The Barmer study has shone a light on a complex⁤ and multifaceted issue, highlighting the need for a more nuanced understanding of the factors driving demand for orthodontic‍ treatment.​ By exploring the intersection of medical, cultural, and ⁤socioeconomic factors, we can work towards a more equitable and effective healthcare system that meets the needs of all young people.

Keywords: Orthodontic treatment, Barmer health insurance, Lower Saxony, ‌Bremen, beauty ideals, peer pressure, parental influence, regional variations, healthcare policy, resource allocation.

Meta‌ Description: Explore the shocking disparities ​in orthodontic treatment rates among young people in Germany, and discover the possible reasons behind this trend. Read on to⁢ understand the implications ‍for​ healthcare policy and resource allocation.

Header Tags:

H1: The Disparity⁣ in Orthodontic Treatment: Unraveling the Mystery Behind the Statistics

H2: Orthodontics in Emden and Ammerland is rather rare

H2: The Alarming Trend: Girls vs. Boys

H2: ⁢Beauty Ideals, Peer Pressure, and Parental Influence

H2: Regional Variations: A Story of Contrasts

H2: The Implications of Disparity

H2: Unraveling the Mystery

H2: Conclusion

– What are the reasons behind the higher rates of orthodontic treatment among girls compared to boys in Germany?

The Disparity in Orthodontic Treatment: Unraveling the Mystery Behind the Statistics

When it comes to orthodontic treatment, the numbers suggest that there is more to the story than meets the eye. According to a recent study by Barmer, a leading German health insurance company, there are significant differences in the rates of orthodontic treatment among young people in different regions of Germany, particularly between girls and boys. The study raises important questions about the factors contributing to these disparities and the potential consequences for public health.

Higher Rates of Orthodontic Treatment Among Girls

The study found that almost every second young person in Lower Saxony and Bremen receives orthodontic treatment, with girls making up a significantly higher proportion of patients than boys. In Lower Saxony, for example, around 55% of girls and 45% of boys receive orthodontic treatment. This gender disparity cannot be explained purely by medical reasons, according to Heike Sander, regional director of Barmer.

Regional Differences in Orthodontic Treatment

The study also revealed significant regional differences in the rates of orthodontic treatment within Lower Saxony. While the county of Bentheim and the district of Osnabrück have higher rates of orthodontic treatment (around 57% and 54%, respectively), Emden and the district of Ammerland have lower rates (around 47% each). These regional differences cannot be explained by jaw anomalies and misaligned teeth alone, suggesting that other factors are at play.

Possible Factors Contributing to the Disparities

So, what factors might be contributing to the higher rates of orthodontic treatment among girls and the regional differences observed in the study? According to Sander, beauty ideals, peer pressure, and excessive parental care may be contributing to the higher rates of orthodontic treatment among girls. Additionally, cultural and socio-economic factors may also play a role in shaping the attitudes and behaviors of parents and young people towards orthodontic treatment.

Implications for Public Health

The study’s findings have important implications for public health. While orthodontic treatment can have significant benefits for oral health and overall well-being, it is also a costly and time-consuming process. If young people are receiving orthodontic treatment unnecessarily, this could lead to wasted resources and potential negative consequences for public health.


The disparities in orthodontic treatment among young people in Germany are a complex issue that requires further investigation and analysis. By better understanding the factors contributing to these disparities, policymakers and healthcare professionals can work together to ensure that orthodontic treatment is targeted towards those who need it most, and that resources are used efficiently and effectively to improve public health.

Keywords: orthodontic treatment, disparities, public health, Germany, beauty ideals, peer pressure, excessive parental care, cultural and socio-economic factors.

Meta Description: A recent study by Barmer reveals significant disparities in orthodontic treatment among young people in Germany, with girls and certain regions having higher rates of treatment. This article explores the possible factors behind these disparities and the implications for public health.

Header Tags:

H1: The Disparity in Orthodontic Treatment: Unraveling the Mystery Behind the Statistics

H2: Higher Rates of Orthodontic Treatment Among Girls

H2: Regional Differences in Orthodontic Treatment

H2: Possible Factors Contributing to the Disparities

H2: Implications for Public Health

H2: Conclusion



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