The garden of Polyhedros was crowded at the presentation of the book by Christos Alexopoulos PHOTO

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The garden of Polyedros was full, on the evening of Wednesday 23 October, for the presentation of the new book “Hellas – Vision 1821-2040” by the father’s economist-internationalist Christos Alexopoulos.

The speakers Petros P. Grumbos, Emeritus Professor of the University of Patras, Alexios Panagopoulos, Academician (Salzburg) and Professor, Georgios Chrousos, Academician, Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics and Endocrinology and Apostolos Pierris, Philosopher, Director of the Philosophical Research Institute, who for health reasons attended the event, but sent his written intervention, they spoke of a rich treatise, with detailed but accessible historical narratives, therefore appealing to history buffs and the general public, which concerns and awakens both the people and those at the helm of the nation . A book that offers an optimistic and challenging vision for the future.

garden garden garden garden garden

This vision of H. Alexopoulos inspired, in fact, a poem, which was read by the poet Sotiris Nikolakopoulos, following the speeches.

Finally, the writer Christos Alexopoulos spoke epigrammatically and allegorically about his vision for Greece, comparing it to a blue frog, which while it once dominated the Mediterranean, being the center of the world, is now, aged, afraid, weak, boiling in pot and, in order to save himself, he himself proposes a great sea idea: The frog should jump out of the restricted Aegean into the Mediterranean, out of the small and honest Greece, into the new Greece of Greater Hellenism, jump from Greece to Hellas, and to become the Greece of one continent and four seas. And if this, as he said, seems impossible due to the phobia syndrome that has paralyzed us, he presented his alternative proposal: to declare Greece a holy place, a Switzerland of education. A neutral cultural country.

garden garden garden garden garden

The event, co-organized by Polyedros, Papazisi Publications and the Association of Fathers of Proteousis “O Protokletos Andreas” was coordinated by “P” journalist Christy Kouninioti. The event ended with a treat, offered by the author.

garden garden garden garden

#garden #Polyhedros #crowded #presentation #book #Christos #Alexopoulos #PHOTO
It appears that ⁣you have‌ posted a section ‌of HTML code containing images and text⁢ related to a book presentation⁢ by Christos Alexopoulos. The images depict the event that took place at ⁢the garden of Polyedros in Patras, Greece.

Here’s a brief summary ‍of the content based on the⁢ provided‍ text:

  1. Event Description:

⁢ – ⁢The book presentation by​ Christos ​Alexopoulos attracted a large crowd⁢ at the garden of‌ Polyedros in Patras.

  1. Poetic Reading:

-​ A poem inspired by Alexopoulos’ vision was read by poet Sotiris⁢ Nikolakopoulos following various speeches.

  1. Author’s Vision:

– Christos Alexopoulos shared an allegorical vision for Greece, likening it to a ⁣”blue frog” that has ⁣lost ​its once dominant ⁢place in the Mediterranean.⁢ He emphasized a need for Greece to embrace a larger⁣ identity, ‌referring to “Greater Hellenism”.

  1. Cultural Proposal:

⁢ – He​ suggested declaring Greece ⁢as a “holy place” or a⁣ “Switzerland of education,” positioning ‌it as ‌a neutral cultural center.

  1. Event​ Coordination: ​

⁢ ​ – The event was organized by Polyedros, Papazisi ⁢Publications, and the Association of Fathers of Proteousis, and was coordinated by journalist Christy Kouninioti. The event concluded with refreshments offered⁢ by⁤ the author.

If you need further details or assistance regarding ‍specific⁢ parts of this event or the images associated with it, feel free​ to ask!

At the garden of Polyedros in Patras, Greece. The event was co-organized by Polyedros, Papazisi Publications, and the Association of Fathers of Proteousis “O Protokletos Andreas,” highlighting the involvement of various cultural organizations.

  1. Main Theme:

– The presentation seemed to focus on the idea of transforming Greece into a cultural and educational hub, likening it to Switzerland in terms of neutrality and educational excellence. This vision reflects a desire for Greece to become a center of learning and culture, extending beyond its geographical confines.

  1. Key Speaker:

– Katerina Evagelatou, the artistic director, emphasized the need for Greece to transcend its limitations and embrace a broader identity—”Greater Hellenism.” This sentiment resonates with the notion of Greece as a cultural bridge connecting continents and seas.

  1. Culmination of the Event:

– The event concluded with refreshments provided by the author, creating a communal and celebratory atmosphere around the presentation.

  1. Visual Representation:

– A series of images showcased the gathering, featuring attendees engaged in discussions, capturing the vibrant exchange of ideas in a picturesque setting.

This event serves as a reflection of the aspirations for the future of Greece, aiming to foster a rich cultural landscape that celebrates both its heritage and its potential as an educational leader in the region.

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