“The Future of the Region” –

Giovanni Toti, following the rejection of the request to revoke the precautionary measure of the Review, asked to meet the deputy prime minister and minister of Infrastructure Matteo Salvini and the two regional councilors Giacomo Giampedrone and Marco Scajola. The leader of the League will be in Genoa on Monday for an event, but it is not certain that the meeting will take place on that date. The discussions, according to what we learn, will serve to understand what future to design for the Region, following the decision to leave the governor of Liguria under house arrest.

Endless Pillory: Giovanni Toti Remains Under House Arrest

More than 48 hours following the hearing on July 8, at the end of which they had reserved a couple of days before being able to issue the verdict, the judges have formulated their decision. The judges have rejected both the request to revoke the precautionary measure and, secondarily, the requests to mitigate the measure. Within the 33 pages of the order containing the decision issued this morning, the precautions regarding the guarantees of investigation are no longer present, but the protections regarding the risk of repetition of the crime remain, which motivate the rejection of the request.

“The only solution is resignation”. The judges’ blackmail of Toti exposed

The governor’s lawyer, Stefano Savi, confirmed that, following this failure to accept the request, an appeal will be filed with the Supreme Court. “The idea that Toti, with his office, might commit similar crimes with different subjects, appears as a prejudice or a trial of intentions, certainly foreign to the history of these years of administration, foreign to the accusations, and foreign to the subject being judged”, he declared.

#Future #Region #Tempo
2024-07-14 08:36:34



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