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Scientists tell us that we have just crossed the fifth planetary limit, that of chemical pollution which “ is not compatible with remaining in a safe operating space for humanity “. We have a choice: react or ignore this degradation of our environment which threatens the habitability of the Earth. Our guests have decided to get involved, listen to them, it’s inspiring!
Alex Reeds :
– Julien Vidal, author de 2030 glorious, living utopias, Domaine du Possible collection at Actes Sud and producer of 2030 glorious, the podcast of realistic utopias
– Cédric Carles, engineer and designer, founder ofAtelier 21, a citizen laboratory “which fights to advance the energy transition”. The rain box to regenerate alkaline batteries and container-school to develop the economic sector of renewable energies arrive in Africa
– Oscar Ouendeno and Ousmane Bari of the Techlab of the University of Labé in Guinea Conakry
– Larbi Ouizyme, head of Fablab Temara in Morocco
– Emily Saba of the Faso Civic Association in Burkina Faso.