The photo taken by Soazig de la Moissonnière of the French head of state had a lot of people talking regarding it. We see Emmanuel Macron sitting on an armchair, smiling and open shirt revealing his hairy chest.
To ride the wave, Finnish MP Petri Honkonen thus had the idea of resuming the same pose in a snapshot he shared on his Twitter account:
He accompanied his publication with a message of congratulations to the re-elected leader: “I offer you my warm congratulations on your re-election. I am convinced that France and Finland will continue to work together for a stronger Europe”, he said. he writes.
The initiative greatly amused Internet users.
However, he is not the first person to hijack this photo. In Belgium too; we can show a lot of humor as our Minister of Justice Vincent Van Quickenborne (Open VLD) proved to us by taking the said pose: