The fruit that helps strengthen bones and joints

modern life

Fruits provide a high content of vitamins, minerals and fiber to the body.


Pitaya is one of the fruits that offers the greatest nutritional contribution to the body. It has an oval shape, thorns on the surface and a sweet taste.

The Portuguese health and wellness portal your health mentions that pitaya stands out for its antioxidant action, mainly associated with polyphenols and other nutrients contained in its pulp. It is these characteristics that make it an ideal fruit to complement the diet and change for a day to the usual bananas and apples.

Due to its rich content in antioxidants, pitaya also has a positive effect on the maintenance of the organism, mitigating the damage caused by free radicals to cells, they specify from your health, which in turn favors the function of the body and reduces the risk of suffering from diseases such as arthritis.

Similarly, pitaya is a fruit that provides calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, two minerals that are important for strengthening bones and teeth. For this reason, it is a great option for people who suffer from osteoporosis, osteopenia and even for children and young people, thus promoting their development and growth.

Regarding consumption, the Portuguese portal indicated that “to extract the pitaya pulp, one must -first of all- remove the spines very carefully (if they have not been removed), cut the peel vertically and with the help of the pulp should be removed from a spoon”.

“This pulp can be consumed plain, in juices or in salads, as well as processed into soft drinks, jams, jellies or sweets. The pulp can also be used to prepare cakes, pastries, ice creams and yoghurts”, he added.

This fruit has other qualities that make it special, because according to the Mejor con Salud portal, the pitaya has a high captina content, a property that gives the body relaxation benefits, so its consumption can help regulate and lower stress. Likewise, it has high content in essential fatty acids such as omega 3, components that help fight cardiovascular diseases.

In addition to consuming it in a solid state, it can also be done in a liquid state through infusions, since in this way you can also receive all its benefits.

How to prepare pitaya water?

The pitaya can be eaten in its natural state, but it is also possible to process it to obtain other preparations, such as shakes and drinks. In this sense, the portal Gastrolab share a recipe for hot days.

  • 4 fresh pitahayas.
  • 1.5 liters of water.
  • 1/3 cup of sugar.
  • ice to taste
  • The first thing is to properly wash the pitahayas before starting the preparation.
  • Once washed, they are cut in half so that the pulp can be easily extracted into a container. To do this, you can use a spoon and peel it off the shell.

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