the fruit that helps prevent it

Aging comes hand in hand with important physiological changes, such as loss of vision. This macular degeneration is usually common following age 50 or older. In accordance with Macular SocietyMacular degeneration cases might rise to 1.3 million per year in the UK alone.

Therefore, to prevent vision loss, experts point out that you should maintain a balanced diet, perform vision exercises, protect your eyes from the sun and screens, drink water, avoid cigarettes and alcohol, and exercise.

Likewise, the portal Terra pointed out that there are some special foods to take care of eye health because they are rich in antioxidants. Goji berries, originally from Asia, are distinguished by their high antioxidant potential, as they are rich in vitamin C and carotenoids.

According to Tua Sáude, goji berries also have multiple vitamins and minerals “it is an excellent source of fiber, vitamins B1, B2 and B3, as well as minerals such as copper, magnesium, manganese and selenium, so they help strengthen the immune system, prevent the onset of chronic diseases and prevent premature aging of the skin “reads the publication reviewed by nutritionist Tatiana Zanin.

Likewise, a study published in the scientific journal Nutrients, states that regularly eating a serving of these berries “will help slow the development of age-related macular degeneration in healthy middle-aged people.”

In the same study it was known that these also help protect the retina from the cells responsible for the appearance of glaucoma.

There are foods that take care of the vision. – Foto: Getty Images

Other foods that help fight vision degeneration:

Experts recommend a greater consumption of foods rich in vitamin A and C. “Most of this compound is found in the skin or peel of the onion. The best option is to cook this part in meals”, explains the Oftalvist website.

The onion is also ideal for the generation of essential pigments that prevent problems in the retina and, therefore, help to better tolerate ultraviolet rays from the sun, as well as artificial ones, indicates the aforementioned portal.

The carrot helps prevent cataracts, thanks to the fact that it contributes to the cells of the lens. “This vegetable will also help us have better night vision thanks to its richness in vitamin A, which directly influences the functioning of the retina”, points out Oftalvist.

According to Alba Coronado, head of the retina section of the Rementería ophthalmology clinic, and as detailed by Infosalud, the consumption of fatty fish, also called oily fish, such as anchovies, mackerel, tuna, boquerón, sardine or salmon, is essential. because these foods contain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids that promote eye health.

The Olive oil is another food that should be included in the diet, as it “helps prevent macular degeneration of the eye, a disease that affects the retina of people over 60 years of age”, explains Coronado. Two tablespoons of olive oil a day are ideal to provide its benefits to visual health.

Secondly, Medline Plus, US Library of Medicine, indicates that A favorable diet for eye health is one that includes fruits, vegetables and fish, as these ingredients are considered beneficial for the eyes, due to their nutritional composition.

In this sense, the American Association of Ophthalmology mentions that several investigations have verified the properties of certain nutrients to prevent vision damage. This list includes compounds such as lutein, zeaxanthin and omega-3 fatty acids, as well as vitamin E, vitamin C and zinc.



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