The Frosta case: Several victims are mother and daughter – NRK

Dark Times in Frosta: A Comedy of Shadows

Ah, Frosta! Known for its picturesque landscapes, warm community vibe, and… well, a municipal superintendent who turned out to be the villain of a dark comedy. Arne Bye, as he’s unfortunately making headlines at the moment, stands accused of abusing his position as a doctor to obtain sexual relations with none other than 95 women… yes, 95! That’s not just a sad statistic; it’s a tragedy and, dare I say, one problematic punchline that no one asked for.

The Disturbing Statistics

Let’s dive into some truly disturbing data, shall we? According to NRK, among his alleged victims, the youngest was just 14! And for the sake of awkward statistics, the eldest was 67. It seems Arne had a real knack for picking victims from one extreme to the other. Talk about an inappropriate age range! One wonders if he had a sinister version of “The Price is Right” going on in his head: “Come on down! Let’s see how low you can go!”

Family Matters… Not the Good Kind

NRK further reveals that the web of accusations doesn’t stop there. Families are entangled, with cases of both mothers and daughters among the accused. What’s next, a reality show? “Keeping Up with the Bye-ning: Medical Misconduct Edition”? Or perhaps “Frosta’s Family Trauma”? Just to be clear, any potential audience would probably prefer binge-watching paint dry over this horror show.

Unprecedented and Unique

With a population of about 2,600, Frosta is practically a small village, and this case is described as “completely unique.” Editor Kjetil Kolsrud rightly points out that we’ve never seen abuse on this scale before. Applaud-worthy precision, Kjetil! Not since the episode of “Doctor who?” has the phrase taken on such shocking relevance.

The Gruesome Details

As if it couldn’t get worse, the definition of rape in these situations is equally chilling. Arne’s alleged methods included, ahem, “inserting fingers and/or objects into the women’s vagina and/or anus” all while they were supposed to be receiving medical care. You’d think he’d at least wear a more appropriate costume than the white lab coat. “Doctor” turned horror villain – a candlestick in the library is starting to sound pretty safe by comparison!

The Hard Facts

As investigations progressed, the numbers seem more like something out of a twisted farce—the police had dismissed 99 cases before it got even more sinister at the state attorney level. My question is: what? Did they run out of paper? That’d be like saying “Sorry, we got busy!” while ignoring the crime scene of a sitcom’s worst episode!

A Bit of a Confession

Our villain Arne Bye did plead guilty to a fraction of the charges, admitting to taking advantage of three victims and seeking inappropriate relations in 40 instances. While it’s good news when a villain admits their sins, isn’t it a tad too little, too late, Arne? I’m guessing he’s not getting any fan mail after this!

Final Thoughts

As the case approaches its trial date in Trøndelag District Court, one can only hope that justice prevails. Frosta’s residents must feel lost in the throes of this unending tragedy, wondering if their quaint community will ever be the same. It’s a sad reminder that while some find humor in darkness, others live through it daily. And while we can chuckle about the absurdities of life, let’s not forget that every punchline has a pendulum that swings back to reality.

If you or someone you know has been affected by this case, don’t hesitate to reach out. Silence only allows the shadows to grow!

Published 14.10.2024, at 16.46. Be safe out there, frosty folks!

The former municipal superintendent in Frosta, Arne Bye, is accused of abusing his position in order to obtain sexual relations with 95 of his patients. 88 of these he allegedly raped.

NRK has mapped the women who in the indictment against Bye have the status of being offended. The mapping shows great variation:

  • The youngest woman was 14 years old when, according to the indictment, she was allegedly raped.
  • NRK finds that several of the offended are in the family.

Women of all ages

NRK has surveyed all 95 women who are part of the indictment.

The mapping shows that seven of the women were under 20 when the abuse allegedly took place.

Of these, two were under the age of 16.

The oldest woman in the indictment was 67 years old when she was allegedly raped. A total of three women were over 60 years of age.

Several are in the family

Several of the offended women are also related to each other.

NRK found several cases where Arne Bye allegedly raped both mother and daughter.

In addition, several of the offended women are siblings.

Most of the women still live in Frosta, while 15 of the women have moved from the municipality.

To this day, there is great variation in occupation and life situation for women.

– We are also aware of the large variations in the case, but have no comment beyond that, says Tove Røddesnes, co-ordinating assistance lawyer for the offended parties.

Most of the offended women still live in Frosta.

Photo: Tariq Alisubh/NRK

– Very unique

Frosta municipality has approximately 2,600 inhabitants. When Arne Bye lost his authorization in 2022, he was a GP for 850 patients.

– This reflects the position this doctor had in the local community, says Kjetil Kolsrud, editor of Rett24 about NRK’s ​​survey.

He says that the case has an unusually large number of victims.

– The scope of the case is completely unique. We have never seen an abuse case on this scale before.

Kolsrud says that there is no practice when it comes to a possible penalty in such a comprehensive case.

– In that sense, this is uncharted territory.

What is rape in this case?

The former municipal superintendent is accused of raping 88 women between 2004 and 2022.

In the Criminal Code, obtaining sexual intercourse with someone who is unable to resist is defined as rape.

The former municipal superintendent is accused of inserting fingers and/or objects into the women’s vagina and/or anus. He is also accused of having “touched the clitoris in a masturbation-like manner”.

According to the indictment, this must have happened in connection with medical examinations where the women sat in a gynaecologist’s chair. They should not have had an overview of what the doctor did and were unable to oppose the actions.

Arne Bye is charged with a breach of the Penal Code 1902 § 192 first and second paragraph and the Penal Code 2005 § 291/§ 292 for rape by having sexual relations with someone who was unable to resist this.

Many have had the case dismissed

NRK has mapped the 95 women who have the status of being offended in the indictment against Arne Bye.

The police have previously said that a total of 209 women have had the status of offended during the investigation.

Before sending the case to the State Attorney, the police dismissed 99 cases.

In addition, the state attorney has dropped 15 cases.

This means that a total of 114 women have had their cases dismissed.

Arne Bye was the municipality’s chief physician in Frosta and GP for many of the municipality’s residents.

Photo: Tariq Alisubh/NRK

Recognizes three powers of attorney

Bye has pleaded guilty to some of the points in the indictment.

After new police interviews, Bye admitted to having raped three women and to having used his position to obtain sexual intercourse in 40 of the 95 cases for which he is charged.

– Our client has now been questioned in which he has pleaded guilty to three counts of rape because the victim in a legal sense has been unable to resist the act, Hjulstad Nilsen wrote to NTB then.

Hjulstad Nilsen has not wished to comment on NRK’s ​​mapping of the offended women.

On 5 November, the trial against the former municipal superintendent begins in Trøndelag District Court.

There are 16 weeks until the case.


Are you or someone you know affected by the Frosta case? Do you have an experience or story to tell? Or do you have input or tips on who I should talk to?

Then I would very much like to hear from you!

All information is treated confidentially.

Published 14.10.2024, at 16.46



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