The French Handisport Federation (FFH) and Société Générale announce the launch of the “Let’s support the Blues in all languages” operation.

2023-10-13 13:38:12

On the occasion of the 2023 Rugby World Cup, the French Handisport Federation and Société Générale, Major Partner of the competition, are joining forces to create the first KOP for deaf/hard of hearing supporters of the French XV through the operation “ Let’s support the Blues in all languages.”

This initiative aims to create an awareness-raising and inclusive experience around deaf/hard of hearing supporters, by offering them a platform to express their support for the French XV during the 2023 Rugby World Cup. Present at each French XV match, these supporters communicate their fervent support for the national team through the use of giant foam gloves using the alphabet of sign language and which materialize the message: “Allez les Bleus”. This initiative aims to break down barriers and offer fans with hearing problems the opportunity to fully participate in the excitement of matches from the stands.

Meeting with Simon MégretSports Sponsorship Manager for the Société Générale Group, to find out more about this operation.

Bruno Cammalleri: How does this “Support the Blues in all languages” activation work?

Simon Mégret : Société Générale is a Major Partner of the 2023 Rugby World Cup. On the occasion of this event, we decided with the French Handisport Federation, of which we are a partner, to launch the “Let’s support the Blues in all languages” activation » to allow all supporters to support the XV of France at the stadium. As in US sport we use giant hands and they use the alphabet of sign language. With these hands, all of whose letters form the message ‘Allez les bleus’, hearing-impaired supporters can express their support for the Blues. The 2023 Rugby World Cup is a unique opportunity to promote this initiative, which is part of our rallying message “Together Everything is Played”, while highlighting the values ​​of inclusion and diversity, dear to the FFH, to Société Générale and to the spirit of rugby.

Bruno Cammalleri: On which meetings do you set up the system?

Simon Mégret : Supporters will come to all of the Blues’ matches during the group stage, including New Zealand, Uruguay, Namibia, and Italy. We will push as far as possible. Until the final, we hope!

Bruno Cammalleri: How do you select the people who come to this Kop?

Simon Mégret : This is where the partnership with the French Handisport Federation (FFH) takes on its full meaning because it has a network of clubs throughout France. The Blues played in Paris, Lille, Marseille and Lyon during the group stage. For each of these matches, we invited FFH licensees to form groups of 9 to 13 people to make this kop of supporters.

Bruno Cammalleri: Do you already have a first return after these group matches?

Simon Mégret : The first 3 matches went very well! The members of the kop are delighted and so are we. The activation makes sense, it is in line with what we want to show at this World Cup. We like to cross-reference our sports sponsorship areas (rugby, disabled sports, e-sport). Here we crossed rugby and disabled sports to push a message of inclusion. On the disabled sports side, Société Générale is also an official partner of the French wheelchair rugby team, and we are an official partner of the 2023 International Wheelchair Rugby Cup which will take place in Paris from October 18 to 22 at the Halle Carpentier and the Accor Arena in Bercy.

Title photo credit: Getty – World Rugby

#French #Handisport #Federation #FFH #Société #Générale #announce #launch #Lets #support #Blues #languages #operation

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