It sounds incredible, but it is real. The proposal is underway, beyond how crazy it seems. After the selected argentinian devoted himself World Champion last Sunday following beating the France the end of World Cup Qatar 2022in tricolor land they gather companies for request FIFA to play said match once more. And they already collected more than 215,000.
The initiative came from a website, MesOpinionsby fans who they consider that there were relevant errors of the arbitration shortlist headed by the Pole Szymon Marciniak. For this reason, they began to get virtual signatures, quickly. In any case, in a country of just over 67 million inhabitants, the figure does not seem to be significant or to have had the desired impact.
The first question that is made is related to the sanction of the penalty that led to the first Argentine goal. According to the French, “There was never an infraction” from Osusmane Dembelé to Ángel Di Maríawhich is what the judge sanctioned in the first half and whose determination was tacitly endorsed by the VAR, by not correcting it.
The second supposed error that they point out would be in the play prior to the second goal, in which Cristian Romero, always according to this claim, committed a foul once morest Kylian Mbappésomething that is not noticed in the cameras of the official transmission.
As for the third goal of the albiceleste team, scored in the second overtime, the protesters consider that it should have been annulled “because two substitutes entered the field of play before Lionel Messi’s shot crossed the line”.
Compact of Argentina vs. France, the final of Qatar 2022
The campaign expresses itself in harsh terms in its narrative of the events. Even its promoters claim that the arbitration was “fully sold”. If it reaches half a million signatures, it will be among the three that will have had the most adherents on that claim page.
The proposal, which went viral at this time, adds to the claims of the French Football Federation (FFF), which sent a letter to the Argentine Football Association (AFA) to complain regarding mockery at the celebrations of champion players, mainly , Emiliano “Dibu” Martinez. And it generated a reaction in a comedy tone.
In it opened a request “so that the French stop crying”. And he explains: “Since we won the World Cup final, the French have not stopped crying, complaining and do not accept that Argentina is the world champion. This request is for the French to stop crying and accept that Messi is the best in the history of football and has Mbappé as a son. In the early hours of the South American Friday morning, he was already exceeding 209,000 rubrics.