The founder of Falun Gong published “Why Human Beings” | Master Li Hongzhi | Mr. Li Hongzhi

[The Epoch Times, January 21, 2023]On January 20, 2023 in the Eastern United States,Founder of Falun GongMaster Li HongzhiThe Epoch Times is authorized to publish “Why Are There Humans”, the full text of which is as follows:

First of all, I would like to say hello to everyone on the occasion of Chinese New Year!

During the New Year, there should be a few New Year’s words that everyone likes to hear, but the danger I see is approaching human beings step by step. For this reason, the gods and Buddhas asked me to say a few words of what the gods want to say to all living beings in the world, a sentence of heaven’s secret, in order to let people know the truth and give them a chance to be saved.

Why there are human beings? The universe has to go through a long process of four stages: formation, stasis, decay, and extinction from the creation to the end. Once the universe reaches the end of the process of final “extinction”, everything in the celestial body, including the universe we live in, will disintegrate in an instant! All life is destroyed!

Human death is only the superficial deterioration and aging of the body, while the human soul (the real self has not died) will be reincarnated in the next life. The universe has success, stasis, decay, and extinction. People have birth, aging, sickness, and death. This is the law of the universe. Gods will also go through this process, but it will be long, and the greater gods will be even longer. There is no pain in their life and death, and the process is all sober, just like changing clothes. That is to say, life generally does not die. If the universe and celestial bodies disintegrate in the final stages of formation, stasis, decay, and extinction, life will no longer exist and reincarnation will cease, and all life and objects will disappear, turning into dust, and everything will return to emptiness. At present, the human world is going through the final process of “destruction” of becoming, living, deteriorating and extinction. Everything in the end will become bad, that’s why it will be destroyed, and that’s why the current society is in such chaos. Human beings have no good thoughts, disordered sex, psychopathy, drug abuse, unbelief in God and other chaos. This is the inevitable end of the celestial body, and it is time!

The Creator cherishes the gods, the many good and beautiful lives, and the wonderful creations in the celestial bodies. Therefore, in the early days of “badness”, he led some gods to the godless land at the outermost layer of the celestial bodies (collectively called outside the Dharma Realm) and created the earth. . The earth cannot exist independently, it must have a corresponding celestial structure to form a cycle system of life and biology to exist. For this reason, the Creator created a large area outside the earth, which the gods called “Three Realms”. Until the final salvation, no matter how high a god is, without the consent of the creator of the world, he is not allowed to enter or leave the Three Realms at will. Within the scope of the Three Realms, there are three major realms. The level of all living beings on the ground, including human beings, is called the “desire realm”; the second realm above the desire realm is the “form realm”; and the third realm above is the “formless realm”. A realm is higher and more beautiful than a realm, but none of them can compare with the Dharma Realm and the heavenly kingdoms above the Dharma Realm. The heavens that humans usually refer to are actually the heavens in the three realms of the Form Realm and the Formless Realm. Because each realm has ten heavens, there are thirty-three heavens in the three realms plus the three realms themselves. People are in the Desire Realm, which is the lowest level, and the environment is also the worst. Life is short, and the most frightening thing is that there is no justice in this world, and human principles are reversed in the universe (except for the Fa principles taught by gods to humans). For example: the victor is king, the soldiers fight for the world, the strong is a hero, etc., in the eyes of gods, these are not right principles, they are all obtained by killing and robbing. The universe and gods will not be like this, but it is necessary and feasible for human beings. This is the principle of the human world. Compared with the principle of the universe, it is “anti-reason”. Row. Some people live a better life than others, and they think it’s good. That’s because people in this world are comparing themselves with each other, but they are actually living in the garbage heap of the universe. The Three Realms are built on the outermost layer of the celestial universe, where the lowest, thickest, and dirtiest particles, such as molecules and atoms, are composed. In the eyes of God, this is where the garbage of the universe is discharged. Therefore, God regards the particles at the layer of molecules as soil, which is the lowest layer. This is also the original meaning of the saying in religion that “God created man out of clay”.

The creation of man by the gods was assigned by the Creator, and different gods were asked to create man with different appearances in his own image, so there are white people, yellow people, black people and other races. It is only the appearance that is different, and the inner life is Given by the Creator, they all have common values. The purpose of the Creator to ask God to create man is to save all beings in the universe, including the gods, in the end.

Then why did the creation of the world mainly ask the gods to create humans in such a poor environment? This is because this is the lowest level of the universe and the most bitter place, only suffering can cultivate, and only suffering can eliminate sin karma. In the midst of suffering, people can still maintain kindness and know how to be grateful. To be a good person is to improve yourself. Moreover, salvation is a bottom-up process, and it must start from the bottom. Life here is suffering, there will be conflicts of interests between people, the harsh natural environment, human beings have to work hard to survive, etc., all of which provide life with opportunities to improve and eliminate karma. It is certain that suffering can eliminate sin karma. In the midst of suffering and conflicts, if a person can still maintain kindness, he will accumulate merit and thus his life will be improved.

When the creation of the modern world mainly used the human body to save sentient beings in the universe, most of the original lives in the human body were replaced by “gods” reincarnated as humans. Because the human body can eliminate sins and karma in the midst of suffering, and at the same time, in the midst of irrationality, if it can stick to the righteousness spoken by God and maintain kindness, it will improve its life. The end has come, the heavenly gates of the Three Realms have been opened, and the creator of the world is already choosing this kind of people to save.

During the process of formation, stasis and decay of the celestial universe, everything becomes impure, and it is not as good as it was when it was first formed, so it will be “destroyed”. That is to say, everything in the cosmic body is broken, and all sentient beings are not as good as they were in the beginning, and their lives are not pure anymore, and they all have sinful karma, so they will perish. This kind of sin is called “original sin” in religion. In order to save Tianyu, the Creator asked the gods and lords to come down to the world to be human beings in this environment, endure hardships, improve, eliminate sins, reshape themselves, and then return to heaven. (Because the Creator is recreating the universe while saving people.) Xintianyu is absolutely pure and beautiful. People can maintain good thoughts in a difficult environment. Facing the impact of modern concepts, people can stick to traditional concepts. During the shock, people who can still believe in God will achieve the goal of being saved and returning to the kingdom of heaven. All the chaos is arranged by God in the end, the purpose is to test whether all beings can be saved, and at the same time, suffering can also eliminate sin karma in the process, and everything is done to save people back to the heavenly world.

So that is to say, life is not for some social achievement. Struggle, hard work, and unscrupulous acquisitions in life can only make people worse. The purpose of becoming a human in the next life is to eliminate sins and karma, and to improve oneself. People come to this world to be saved, to wait for the Creator to save the world before they come to be human, and to accumulate merits while waiting for life following life, which is also the purpose of human reincarnation. However, there are also some people who are not satisfied when they ask God for help in the face of difficulties, so they start to hate God, and thus go to the point of rebelling once morest God, and even fall into the evil way and create new sins. Such people hurry back, beg God for forgiveness, and come back. In fact, everything in life, whether you deserve it or not, is the cause and effect of the next life and the next life caused by the good or bad things you did in the previous life. The amount of merit accumulated in the previous life determines this life or the next life. How many blessings. If you have a lot of merit, in your next life, you may exchange your merit for a high official and rich salary, and you may also exchange for various wealth and blessings, including whether your family is happy or not, and even how your children are. This is the fundamental reason why some people are rich, some are poor, some are high officials, and some are homeless. It is not the devil’s rhetoric of equalizing the rich and the poor as propagated by the wicked Communist Party. The universe is fair. If you do well, you will be rewarded. If you do bad things, you will have to pay back. If you don’t pay back in this life, you will pay back in the next life. This is the absolute law of the universe! Heaven, earth, gods, and the Creator are merciful to all living beings. Heaven, earth, humans, and gods are all created by the Creator, and will never be good to any life or bad to any life. Karma is the root cause of happiness and unhappiness in life.

The performance of gains and losses, in reality, looks like the normal performance of society, and is fundamentally the cause and effect caused by life itself. But existence and non-existence, gain and loss, are in line with the human social conditions in terms of human society. Therefore, no matter whether you are rich or poor in life, you must do good deeds, refrain from doing bad deeds, be kind, respect heaven and God, and be willing to help others. In this way, merit will be accumulated, and there will be blessings in the next life. Old people in China used to say that if you suffer a lot in this life, don’t complain regarding it, do more good deeds and accumulate virtue, and you will be fine in the next life. It’s no use coming to help. There are universal laws in the universe, and Gods have to follow them. If God does what he should not do, God will also be punished. It’s not as simple as people think, God has to give you whatever you want? The condition is that you must have the merit accumulated in the previous life, and exchange it with the merit! Because this is determined by the law of the universe. But fundamentally speaking, this is not the fundamental purpose of accumulating merit. The most important thing is to accumulate more merits in life to pave the way for one’s return to heaven, not to exchange for the happiness of life for a while!

Li Hongzhi
Twenty-ninth day of the twelfth lunar month in Renyin Year
January 20, 2023



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