The Forum of Faculties and Schools of Public Medicine was held in Bariloche | Bariloche Says

Saturday March 05, 2022

The Argentine Forum of Faculties and Schools of Public Medicine (FAFEMP) held its first plenary meeting of the year, together with the National Conference, in the city of Bariloche. The Andean Headquarters of the National University of Río Negro (UNRN) hosted the event that included the deans of the 24 Faculties and Schools of Medicine of public universities throughout the country.

The Conference was entitled Pedagogical Experiences, Attendance and Pandemic. Likewise, issues related to the accreditation of Medicine careers before CONEAU were addressed. The vice-rector of the UNRN Andean Headquarters, Diego Aguiar; the president of FAFEMP, Mateo Martínez; the director of Human Talent of the Ministry of Health of the Nation, Pedro Silberman; the director of the Zonal Hospital of Bariloche on behalf of the Ministry of Health of Río Negro, Leonardo Gil and the director of the UNRN Andean Headquarters Medicine career, Germán Guaresti.

“One more race in the Andean zone. We are helping this city to have more health-oriented institutions, so that the city’s profile diversifies. I believe that this new career is a symbol of what we are, a present and intelligent State. We are giving an opportunity to many people who did not have the resources to be able to travel to study”, commented Diego Aguiar regarding the recent opening of the Medicine degree in Bariloche. In the same sense, the director of the Zonal Hospital of Bariloche, Leonardo Gil added: “I think the need to train health professionals in Bariloche was more than clear”

For his part, the director of Human Talent of the National Ministry of Health, Pedro Silberman, reflected on the two years of the pandemic. “What happened in these two years will remain in our emotional memory. We live through a tragedy and in the middle appears a Medicine career, put together in a year and a half and committed from the political point of view. We have a lot of expectations because we put it together according to the discussions of those of us who are present today”.



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