The former police captain appeared in court to receive 42 million VND from the family of the accused

(PLO)- The former police captain admitted that he received 42 million dong from the family of the offender, bought them 1.4 million dong of extra food, and appropriated the rest.

On May 23, the People’s Court of Van Canh district (Binh Dinh) opened a trial for defendant Le Thanh Trung (former captain, deputy captain of the Police Team for Criminal Judgment Execution and Judicial Support of the Van District Police Department) Canh) on the crime of abusing position and power to appropriate property.

Defendant Le Thanh Trung in court. Photo QN

The content of the case shows that from the end of July 2021 to November 2021, at the police custody house of Van Canh district, Trung repeatedly gave the phone to the accused to call his family to send money. Buy more food.

After that, Trung texted the account number to the accused’s family so that they could transfer the money. Trung is accused of receiving a total of 42 million VND from the family of the accused.

The former police captain appeared in court to receive 42 million VND from the family of the offender Photo 2

Defendant Trung confessed 42 million VND from the accused’s family. Photo: QN

Trung bought extra food for the two defendants with an amount of more than 1.4 million dong. The rest of the money that Trung appropriated and used for personal purposes.

After the incident, Mr. Trung was stripped of his military citizenship and expelled from the Party.

At the trial, defendant Trung said that he confessed to the crime, so he did not need a defense lawyer and refused a defense.

Trung admitted that the defendants begged their family members to send money to buy more food. Trung gave the suspect’s phone to the suspect to call his family to transfer money to Trung’s account without notifying the leader and not recording it in the books.

The total amount of money that the defendant received from the family members of the above accused is 42 million dong. The defendant bought food for two people for more than 1.4 million VND, the rest was used by the defendant for personal purposes.

The trial is continuing…


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