Dr. Ahmed Sameh Farid, Professor of Ear, Nose and Throat bCairo Medicinethe former Minister of Health, that winter diseases have been prevalent since ancient times, such as tonsillitis, nasal congestion, colds, and sinusitis, but what happened to us in the past years is the Corona virus, explaining that the patient does not know the difference between the role of the cold and the Corona virus.
He added, during the conference of the Egyptian Society of Ears, which is currently being held in Cairo: To differentiate between the role of cold and the Corona virus, Corona is always accompanied by a rise in temperature, while the normal cold periods are not accompanied by a rise in temperature, indicating that the role of cold and Corona suffers from the patient from a runny nose, And a sore throat, explaining that a Corona patient loses his sense of smell and taste early, and therefore it is another indicator of infection with the Corona virus and is not diagnosed as a cold.
Dr. Sameh Farid said that the other difference is the feeling of severe fracture that occurs to the body, adding that the cold leads to fracture in the body, but it does not cause the same extent as the Corona virus.
He stressed that Corona comes with its accompanying symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting, explaining that all these symptoms do not come as a result of a cold, so when the patient comes complaining of a high temperature, diarrhea, vomiting and bone fracture, we advise him to do an analysis to differentiate between the cold and the Corona virus.
And he added, that the amount of upcoming viruses that will still appear has neither the first nor the last, and the only solution is prevention, indicating that prevention is better than treatment, by using the muzzle regularly, especially in public and closed places, which are the places where the virus is transmitted, whether corona or other diseases. viruses.
He advises not to use ear cleaning tools, adding, “No one plays in his ear.” The ear must be cleaned or dried from the outside, not from the inside, and the person does not try to insert anything into his ear, because whenever he enters the inside, the waxy substance enters the depth of the ear.
He said that the discovery of hearing problems in the child is noticed by the mother, and she is the first person to know what the child suffers from hearing problems when she talks to him and he does not respond to them, so early examination is necessary to ensure that there is no hearing problem in newborns or young children.
This came during the launch of the activities of the 22nd annual conference of the Egyptian Ear Society, under the auspices of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, today in Cairo, headed by Dr. Aziz Bilal, former dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, and president of the Egyptian Ear Society, and Dr. Adel Khalifa, former dean of the Faculty of Medicine. Tanta University, Dr. Sameh Farid, former head of the Minister of Health, and Dr. Rashad Ghoneim, head of the Health Insurance Hospital and head of the ear and nose department at the Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, where he reviewed the conference, during 5 sessions of ear diseases, and 5 other sessions of hearing diseases that included 85 lectures.
24 doctors from all countries of the world, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Italy, India, Spain and Russia, participated in the conference, in addition to doctors from some Arab countries such as the Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Lebanon, and Syria, to benefit from their experiences and review the latest research in the field, in addition to participating Egyptian doctors.
During the Egyptian Society conference

during the conference

Dr. Sameh Farid, former Minister of Health