The forecast for the three days of October 28

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However, there are some indications of the arrival of rains at the beginning of the new month. In more detail, on Friday we expect a few local clouds with possible light rains in Evia. Northerly winds up to 7 Beaufort in the Aegean. The temperature at noon will reach 23 to 25 degrees.

In Attica we expect plenty of sunshine. Northerly winds up to 7 Beaufort. The temperature from 12 to 23 degrees.

In Thessaloniki we will have a few passing clouds. The winds are weak. The temperature from 8 to 21 degrees.

The Saturday we are waiting for sunshine. North winds up to 6 Beaufort in the Aegean, the temperature up to 25 degrees.

Weather – Kallianos: Wild trolling for the three days of October 28

THE weather for the three days of October 28th it will be very good and Yannis Kallianos with his post on FB trolled those who talked about bad weather and snow.

He wrote in detail

And what was not written / heard in the previous days about the weather of the three days of October 28!

There was talk of strong anti-cyclones that would “cover” the country, of “heavy snow” that was approaching, of rain and storms that would “sweep” from west to east, of cold and “winter conditions”, of “Jet Streams” and other “scientific” phenomena that were analyzed to the extreme and which finally, once again, caused confusion. Until it was written that the parades are in the air due to severe weather.

In truth, the reality is much simpler than what was extensively presented with dozens of scientific and “scientific” terms and with analyzes reminiscent of Physics exams in the 4th year of the University or even a 3rd Lyceum Report in the Panhellenic exams (on Links) .The weather on October 28 will be just… very good!

Temperatures will reach 22-24°C in the north and 24-26°C in the center and south of the country, with sunshine prevailing almost everywhere. A few local clouds are expected after noon. The winds on the seas will blow northerly 4-5 and locally 6 Beaufort and there will be a relative coolness in the early morning or late evening. In the interior of the mainland, early in the morning, relative cold will prevail.

As for the scenarios of heavy snow and severe cold from the day after October 28, these have absolutely nothing to do with reality. It is more likely that I will be wrong in the result of the addition of “2+3”, even if I am a Mathematician, than that it will snow on the 1st or 2nd day of November.

Let’s enjoy the parades and the three days, with the weather sure to be favorable and without surprises! (The image is humorous and presents a paradoxical scene, where people in bathing suits sit calmly at tables, drinking their juice, while in the background a storm rages with winds, snow and lightning. As well as the combination of forecasts we have seen in the last few days… )

Have a nice day, my friends

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#forecast #days #October
The provided code snippet ⁢appears to⁢ be a JavaScript implementation for managing advertisements on a website using Google Ad ⁤Manager (formerly ⁤known as ‌DoubleClick⁤ for⁣ Publishers). The code defines ad slots, handles targeting, manages mobile vs desktop views, and includes​ some logic for third-party⁤ services such‍ as⁤ Google AdSense, OneSignal for notifications, Disqus for comments, and other ad-related functionalities. Here’s​ a breakdown of its components:

Ad Slot Definition

  1. Defining Ad Slots:

​⁢ - The code defines multiple ad slots⁤ using googletag.defineSlot(), which specifies the ad ⁤unit’s path,⁣ the ad sizes supported, and the⁣ corresponding HTML element‍ ID where the ad will be rendered.

‌ - Example:


googletag.defineSlot('/40897325/', [[300,250],[300,600],[336,280],[728,90],[970,250]], 'inline1')

  1. Size Mapping:

- Each ‍slot is associated with a ⁤size mapping method defineSizeMapping(), which allows different sizes of ads to be served based on the device.

  1. Targeting:

​ ⁢ - The script uses ‌ setTargeting() to specify custom targeting parameters (like ⁤ pageType and category),⁢ which‍ can help in delivering more relevant ads.

Loading and Displaying Ads

  1. Managing Ad Loading:

‍ - The collapseEmptyDivs() method collapses any ad slots that ​do not contain ads, keeping​ the page layout intact.

- Uses enableSingleRequest() to load all ads in a single request, which can be more‍ efficient.

- Calls displaySlot('slot_name') to render the ‌ad slots.

Handling AdSense and Third-party Scripts

  1. AdSense​ Management:

- The script checks for mobile and desktop elements to ​remove unnecessary⁢ ads, ensuring the correct ones ‌are displayed based on the device.

- Placeholder for loading AdSense slots asynchronously.

  1. Phaistos Adman:

- Implements‍ a queue ​for ⁤other advertising scripts, indicating a ‌structured rollout of various ad providers.

  1. Service Integrations:

⁢ - OneSignal‌ for​ push⁢ notifications⁣ is ⁤initialized with its ‍app ID.

​ - Disqus is configured for comments, with a timeout to defer loading to improve page load times.

⁢ - There are‍ placeholder comments hinting at other ​potential integrations or asynchronous​ loading ‌mechanisms for various​ services (like Taboola and Glomex).

Overall Structure

The entire structure indicates a well-thought-out approach‌ for ad management on a web page, with specific ‍attention to mobile ⁢responsiveness, targeting, and ​the handling of multiple ad networks. The‍ use of asynchronous loading suggests an intent to ⁣optimize the user ⁤experience by improving page load performance while managing various types of content and advertisements.

Additional Considerations

  • Ensure to fill⁤ in the URLs or​ script sources where ​placeholders are indicated (asyncLoadScript('...')). This will be essential for functionality.
  • Consider error⁢ handling and more robust conditions to handle situations where ad services might ⁢fail to load or connect.
  • Monitor⁤ performance⁣ and user engagement metrics to adjust ​targeting and content strategy based on real-world usage data.

The provided code snippet is indeed a JavaScript implementation designed to manage advertisements on a website. Here's a structured breakdown of its components, specifically focusing on ad management, handling various third-party services, and ensuring performance efficiency through proper loading practices.

Breakdown of the Code Snippet:

1. Ad Management:

  • Ad Slot Definition:

- The code likely defines ad slots using googletag.defineSlot(), specifying paths, supported sizes, and HTML element IDs. This setup enables Google Ad Manager to know where to place ads on your site.



googletag.defineSlot('/40897325/', [[300,250],[300,600],[336,280],[728,90],[970,250]], 'inline1');

  • Size Mapping:

- The script uses defineSizeMapping() to control ad sizes based on device types (mobile vs. desktop), ensuring optimal ad presentation depending on the user's device.

  • Targeting:

- The use of setTargeting() enables the configuration of custom targeting parameters that improve ad relevance based on user interests or behavior (like pageType and category).

2. Loading and Displaying Ads:

  • Managing Ad Loading:

- Collapsing Empty Divs: collapseEmptyDivs() ensures that slots without ads do not take up space, optimizing the user interface.

- Single Request Loading: enableSingleRequest() is utilized to load ads in one request, which is generally more efficient and can enhance page loading speeds.

  • Displaying Ad Slots:

- The method displaySlot('slotname') is used to render the configured ad slots on the webpage.

3. Handling AdSense & Third-party Scripts:

  • Google AdSense Management:

- The script checks and removes unnecessary AdSense slots on mobile and desktop, optimizing the ad display depending on the device.

  • Asynchronous Loading:

- There are multiple instances of asyncLoadScript() showing that external scripts are loaded asynchronously to prevent blocking the main thread, improving page responsiveness.

Example Uses of Asynchronous Loading:



4. Integration With Other Services:

  • OneSignal:

- The script integrates OneSignal for push notifications, loading it asynchronously.



OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {

OneSignal.init({ appId: "487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab" });


  • Disqus:

- Disqus configuration is set up to handle comments, with a delay before loading to prioritize other resources.

  • Facebook Pixel:

- The Facebook Pixel is set up for tracking purposes, but the actual loading script is commented out.

  • Microsoft Clarity & Yandex Metrica:

- These scripts are included but set to load asynchronously, again ensuring better performance by not blocking rendering.


This code acts as a robust framework for managing advertisements across a webpage, ensuring that ads are displayed efficiently, relevantly, and without disruptiveness to the user experience. The use of asynchronous loading helps maintain speed and performance, while specific integrations with other services increase the webpage's functionality beyond mere advertisements. By managing mobile and desktop displays carefully, it maximizes the effectiveness of the ad strategy.

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