the food that regulates its levels

modern life

It is important to consult with a health professional to follow an adequate treatment, since this food does not replace medical indications.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) point out that the thyroid is a gland located in the front area of ​​the neck, which fulfills various functions such as regulating breathing and pumping blood through hormones.

The symptoms of thyroid cancer that stand out the most are inflammation in an area of ​​the neck, hoarseness, difficulty breathing and swallowing. However, he suggests that you see a doctor if such symptoms occur because they are associated with other conditions.

“To reduce the risk of thyroid cancer, avoid unnecessary radiation exposure, including radiation from medical imaging procedures, especially in young children, and particularly around the head and neck,” the Centers add.

According to the American Thyroid Association, the symptoms of hyperthyroidism can be mistaken for nervousness. It even clarifies that people who seek to lose weight and have this condition can benefit, but this does not exempt them from perceiving complications in their health.

Los Patients with hyperthyroidism should avoid the consumption of milk, cereals and even yogurts, For example. Likewise, restricting the intake of seaweed, shellfish and foods with a contribution of carrageenan, and soybeans, among others, ensures the Clarion.

According to the United States National Library of Medicine, MedlinePlus, it is due to the lack of production of thyroid hormones from the thyroid. There are many associated causes in which they are found, the consumption of some medications, surgical treatments of the gland, thyroiditis, Hashimoto’s disease, among others.

According to the journal of Clarionpeople with hypothyroidism should avoid eating radishes, cabbage, and soybeans, because they increase the expulsion of the hormone thyroxine in stool, which according to the National Cancer Institute, is a “hormone made by the gland.” thyroid containing iodine (…) which increases the rate of chemical reactions in cells and helps control growth and development”.

The food that helps regulate the thyroid

In accordance with Sports worldlaver is an algae that helps regulate the thyroid, since it has a high iodine content that stimulates the proper functioning of this gland.

It ensures that this natural element is favorable for the production of thyroid gland hormones, but it must be consumed at low levels because it could be harmful to health. He even points out that it is ideal to be included in diets that seek weight loss, as long as it is supervised by a health professional.

It should be remembered that May 25 is World Thyroid Day, whose sole purpose is to raise awareness about its functions and the importance of its care.

On the official page of the government of Mexico, it is mentioned that up to 60% of patients with a problem in the thyroid are unaware that they have it, which is equivalent to more than 750 million people around the world.

Finally, consulting with a health professional is essential to give a respective treatment to the conditions.

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