The food that improves memory and helps prevent cognitive decline

Over the years, some people begin to suffer cognitive impairment, which can bring syndromes such as dementia or Alzheimer’s, or simply a slight loss of memory that can be common but uncomfortable for those who suffer from it.

Poor memory can be a normal part of aging. As people age, changes occur in all parts of the body, including the brain.affirms the National Institute on Aging (NIA, for its acronym in English) of the United States, adding that these changes would also make these people take a little longer to learn, or to carry out different daily actions.

While when a person suffers from cognitive impairment, any of the syndromes that make it up can seriously affect the patient who suffers it, as well as their close relatives, since as they lose their memory, they also begin to lack normal mobility. of your body and abilities such as speech.

“Mild cognitive impairment is an intermediate stage between the expected cognitive decline due to normal aging and the more severe impairment of dementia. Characterized by problems with memory, language, thinking, or judgment” explains the American organization Mayo Clinic.

Given this scenario, it is necessary to take into account some recommendations to help combat these diagnoses, even before they occur, therefore, alternatives in diets are usually a good complement to give the body the vitamins and minerals to keep it strong.

Apparently, a balanced diet that includes a good amount of red fruits can help fight memory loss due to aging, as well as cognitive deterioration. According to research published in Annals of Neurology, the flavonoids found in these fruits would be the key.

Red fruits, cherries, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, grapes, raspberries – Foto: Getty Images

Being antioxidants, as well as anti-inflammatory, the flavonoids present in most red fruits, such as blueberries, plums, grapes, among other vegetables, They help the body to prevent oxidation, so they would collaborate to keep the brain in good health, and would even be helpful in preventing cardiovascular diseases.

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As explained by the study by researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, for the journal of the American Neurological Association, inflammation is one of the processes that cause cognitive impairment to develop, so the flavonoids with their properties would help keep the body deflated and prevent syndromes such as Alzheimer’s.

According to scientific studyStudy demonstrates the benefits of strawberry extract consumption in delaying the production of Alzheimer’s-associated beta-amyloid protein in a preclinical experimental model’another of the red fruits that helps in this fight is the strawberry, which manages to slow down the appearance of proteins associated with the development of Alzheimer’s.

This because of The fisetin present in some fruits, such as strawberries, contains a high level of antioxidants, which helps limit cell damage caused by free radicals. Also, because oxidative stress appears to be an essential part of many diseases, researchers are looking at compounds of the fruits already mentioned for the treatment of various disorders such as cancer, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.

The experts’ research pointed out that the consumption of the fruit seemed to delay the appearance of amyloid plaques, “the paralysis that these produce in nematodes, and oxidative stress in cells.”

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