The folks of Kaunas are organizing a contest for a monument concerning the monument to AMBrazauskas Tradition

“If the mayor of Kaunas determined that the town wants a Brazauska monument, then the town at the very least has the fitting to decide on what that monument shall be!” We invite Kaunas artists, communities and in any other case artistic Kaunas to create their very own sculpture for Brazauskas and for this autocratic scenario basically,” reads the occasion created by the platform. “Competitors for the monument to AMB’alu”.

The organizers emphasize that not solely skilled artists are inspired to create a sculpture-monument, but additionally amateurs, communities, each citizen of Kaunas, and its expression may be very various.

“Sculpture can be a piece of momentary artwork: for instance, from physician’s sausages, previous dolls, mannequins, stolen Landsberg slate, Kristina’s aprons, plows, nicely, you may also turn into a performative residing sculpture”, says Rūta Vyžintaitė, one of many organizers of the marketing campaign. – Lajiene.

In keeping with her, the concept put ahead by the mayor of Kaunas to construct a monument to AMBrazauskas sounded so unimaginable at first that many Kaunas folks thought it was a joke.

“This concept turns your entire legend of Kaunas as a metropolis the other way up. In any case, Kaunas is the one one in 1993. elected S. Lozoraitis as a substitute of AM Brazauskas as president within the elections. So, this ought to be the final metropolis to be thought-about, the place such a monument may very well be positioned, if someday somebody actually needed to construct it. I am not even speaking about Kalanta and different tales from Kaunas – right here folks used to burn themselves due to the chance to boost the tricolor, whereas all of us bear in mind the unhappy quote of AMBrazauskas “so long as this rag hangs, I can’t communicate”, says the initiator of the marketing campaign.

R. Povilius, the organizer of the marketing campaign, additionally enhances it. “Somebody will say that hanging on to a monument is psychosis about nothing, when there are rather more necessary points. Somebody will say that we’ve discovered one other alternative to “catch up” with the mayor. Nonetheless, such monuments in Kaunas are exactly the image of the autocracy that has been gaining floor in the previous few years, when there is no such thing as a want for arguments, no contexts, no want for consultants. “I respect you” or “it stinks” is sufficient, R. Povilius regrets concerning the scenario in Kaunas.

Those that wish to create their very own monument are invited to register on the “Mes nepavargsim” web page by private message by July 1. Sculptures are anticipated till July 12. Bearing in mind their quantity, the marketing campaign organizers may even select the place and date of the mass unveiling.

“We wish to creatively and boldly present the residents’ opinion about this concept. That is precisely what Kaunas is: artistic and courageous. We additionally emphasize that our aim is to not mock AMBrazauskas. We’re mocking the scenario”, say the authors of the initiative.

#folks #Kaunas #organizing #competitors #monument #monument #AMBrazauskas #Tradition
2024-06-26 21:27:01

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