“The first symptoms are usually the same”: how to distinguish flu from ARVI

The symptoms of flu and acute respiratory viral infection are very similar at the initial stage of the disease. But then the clinical picture changes, therapist Alena Beregovaya told Klops.

Colds are often confused with the flu, mistakenly taking one for the other, the doctor noted. This is not surprising: in both cases, everything begins with a runny nose, a sore throat and a high temperature. But there is still a difference.

“The flu is characterized by more acute symptoms. Patients may also complain of joint pain and dizziness,” the therapist added.

Unlike a cold, the flu virus enters the blood, spreads throughout the body, causes intoxication and harms organs. The heart, lungs, and brain are at risk. The disease is more severe and can lead to the following complications:

  • pneumonia
  • otitis (inflammation of the middle ear),
  • meningitis (a dangerous inflammation of the membranes of the brain),
  • damage to the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

“Every year, 3-5 million cases of severe influenza and 290-650 thousand fatal cases are registered worldwide,” the doctor commented.

At risk, according to the therapist, are children under 5 years old, elderly people over 65, as well as pregnant women, patients with chronic diseases, obesity and weak immunity.

“Timely vaccination helps to avoid unpleasant consequences. When the body gets acquainted with the pathogen in advance, the disease is tolerated more easily,” concluded Alena Beregovaya.



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