The first “storm” for the artistic director of DIPETHE Patras: The audition that lit fires

Shortly after taking office, the first “storm” for the new artistic director of DIPETHE Patras Yiannis Kalatzopoulos appeared.

The reason and reason for his decision to audition for the new productions of DIPETHE (main and children’s stage) on August 23, announcing it just a few days before and even in the middle of summer.

DIPETHE Patras: Audition of actors for the winter productions

As the member of the board of DIPETHE Patras Marianna Stamatiadou points out, the announcement was “uploaded” on the Drama School’s Facebook page only on August 12, informing the students and graduates that on August 23 there will be auditions for the two productions, while one day later, there was and the corresponding press release from DIPETHE.

With the posting of this announcement, as Mrs. Stamatiadou reports, she immediately began to receive phone calls from the students and graduates of the School, who expressed their anxiety to her, as most of them pointed out, as they work until the fifteenth of August, during this period they had arranged a vacation having even paid for tickets and hotels, looking forward to a few days of rest.

Marianna Stamatiadou

“I immediately got hold of the President, who at first I did not find, while later he addressed himself to Yiannis Kalatzopoulos” emphasizes Marianna Stamatiadou and continues: “I asked him what exactly has happened, stressing that from the first moment we had said that there would be transparency while his first thought it should be the children of the School”. In fact, as Mrs. Stamatiadou points out, until recently the Board of Directors was informed about any auditions that were going to take place, something that did not happen this time. “Mr. Kalatzopoulos’ answer was that he was in a hurry, while to my question whether it is possible to postpone the particular audition for five days later, explaining to them the anxiety of the children, the answer was negative” characteristically notes the oldest member of the Board of Directors of DIPETHE Patras and he continues: “When I heard his refusal, I replied that if he insists on his decision, this means that it is essentially a set audition, having already decided who he will choose”. In fact, as Mrs. Stamatiadou points out, in the announcement posted on the School’s Facebook, it is stated that those who do not sing or dance well during the audition will not be given the opportunity to say the monologue that is foreseen.

A little later, as Marianna Stamatiadou reports, her phone rang. On the other end of the line was the president of DIPETHE Patras, Lydia Karathanasopoulou, to whom she gave the same information, repeating her belief that the audition is “rigged”. “She answered me that nothing like that happens, so that I could tell her that it looks like that, as it seems that it has already been decided which children will be chosen, who will even know how to dance and sing.”

In conclusion, Marianna Stamatiadou points out something very important. As he emphasizes: “If we are in an area where we are interested in the people who are workers, we should also be interested in their own rest”.

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