The first spicy exchange of the vice-presidential debate was between Victoria Villarruel and Agustín Rossi: “You never worked”

2023-09-21 02:21:00

The candidates for vice president of Argentina participate this Wednesday night in the first televised campaign debate. The first spicy crossing appeared during the right of reply of the first blockwhose thematic axis was Economy inflation and work. There, the candidate from La Libertad Avanza and the candidate from the ruling party participated in a tense exchange.

Agustín Rossi, from Unión por la Patria, came on stage with some difficulties in his speech, but he gained confidence. Thus, in the 30-second right of reply, he began his speech by stating that “Villarruel does not live in Argentina”in response to the criticisms made by the libertarian in economic matters.

We have 36 consecutive months of growth in salaried employment in the private sector, the longest series since this indicator has been measured. The main economic activities that have driven this growth have been Hotels and gastronomy and Construction. Oh surprise! Both are leveraged with public policies carried out by the national State. The Previaje plan and the public works and housing construction policies in Argentina,” Rossi defended the ruling party.

Without being left behind, Victoria Villarruel answered: “Actually, Rossi lives in a totally unknown galaxybecause he cannot ignore that there are 40% poor, that there is 20% in poverty, that there is an uncontrolled monetary issue” and now, addressing directly the candidate for vice of the ruling party, he accused him: “evidently, you live on another planetin which you have a secure job, you have worked in the State for more than 20 years and you are not even aware of what the Argentine people are experiencing.”

“An Argentine people that today has no work, no food, cannot rent and cannot develop their life project in our country,” Villarruel exclaimed.

Shouts during the unstructured debate

The free debate between the candidates began with Luis Petri, from Together for Change, ensuring that “Kirchnerism steals from you.” When interrupted by the hosts of A dos voices, who clarified that they might interrupt themselves to move the dialogue forward, Victoria Villarruel took the floor: “I want to ask the four gentlemen who are here debating, what Between the four of them they have 76 years in public service“How do you plan to fix the situation for which they are responsible?”

Feeling addressed, Rossi began to answer the libertarian candidate: “It is known that we have been in public service for a long time. What is not known is what she lives on.”, suggested the official, pointing towards Villarruel and receiving some scattered laughter from the public. “Just now, it is the first time that he has a declared job. It was never known what Villarruel lives on and we don’t know if we want to continue finding out,” he concluded. The La Libertad Avanza candidate raised her tone and replied: “I understand that you use lies to make your tactic because you might easily find out how long I have been working. Yeah your sources are social networks and you were head of the AFI, explain to me how you can ignore a fact that is notorious.”

“The first time you got a CUIT and a CUIL was when you were a national representative, so you never worked. You never worked, say where then,” Rossi insisted, while Villarruel shouted: “Get to work, Rossi.” “You worked black and you were evading, who paid you?“, insisted Sergio Massa’s vice president and Villarruel agreed with him: “Like many Argentines, do not stigmatize those who work informally”.

“No one believes that you are a dead fly, Villarruel”Rossi launched, while Javier Milei’s vice president assured: “To have been head of the AFI you don’t have any information.”


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