Votopoli and the Puglia question. Vote buying also holds sway on talk shows. It was talked regarding during the episode of Quarta Repubblica” broadcast on 8 April on Rete4. Pietro Senaldi, co-director of Libero, was on the connection and put his finger on the problem. Perhaps in Puglia the first Republic was never really over.

“If the Democratic Party does not have the moral question, no one has the moral question and the moral question is not a political topic – said Pietro Senaldi – And so we will also use Conte’s weapons as he will play his electoral campaign once morest the Pd. The grillini did not exist and people from the centre-right and centre-left voted for them. The centre-right has regained its votes, now the Pd should also regain its votes. In Puglia there have been rather extravagant hirings without competition and also of people linked in some way to the clans in the municipal utilities. This is not an indictment of Decaro or Emiliano, but these municipal utilities were used as a vehicle of consensus a bit like they did in the first Republic. I would say that the first Republic never ended there , as Zalone, who is from those parts, says. I doubt that Bari will be placed under police administration because it is too large a city. Certainly if it were placed under police administration due to the mafia it would be very bad publicity for Bari and also for Italy.”
#Republic #ended #Tempo
2024-04-10 11:14:25