The first mainland university to be included in Fudan’s list of accreditation qualifications for doctors in Hong Kong

The government announced yesterday the list of the second batch of overseas doctors’ recognized medical qualifications, covering 23 institutions, including Shanghai Fudan University. The rest are universities in the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia and Canada, including the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Chicago and other famous universities.

In order to solve the shortage of doctors in Hong Kong, the government at the end of last year relaxed the requirements for non-locally trained doctors to practice in Hong Kong. Non-locally trained doctors with recognized medical qualifications can apply for special registration channels to work in Hong Kong. The first mainland medical qualification recognized by the list this time is the 6-year Bachelor of Medicine and General Medicine program of Fudan University in Shanghai. Together with the first batch of programs announced at the end of the month, a total of 50 programs have been recognized by Hong Kong.

The Secretary for Food and Health, Sophie Chan, said that the list will enable qualified non-locally trained doctors to come to Hong Kong to serve in public medical institutions through the special registration route as soon as possible, so as to alleviate the current shortage of doctors in the public medical system, and at the same time allow those who wish to study medicine outside Hong Kong to study medicine. Student reference to make further study choices. She is confident that the committees under the Medical Council will be able to complete the list this year.

The HA welcomes the Medical Council to designate one person to apply

As for the effect of the plan, the authorities said that there are no figures, but Lin Zhijiao, a member of the Medical Council, revealed that so far, one overseas doctor has applied for an exemption to come to Hong Kong to practice. The HA expresses that it welcomes the announcement of the new batch of recognized medical qualifications list by the government. It will continue to give priority to recruiting all suitable medical graduates from local universities, and will recruit more qualified non-locally trained doctors under the special registration system. to help meet the growing demand for services. There are currently a total of 41 non-locally trained doctors in the HA who are working in the short-staffed departments of public hospitals in the form of limited practising registration.

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The list of the second batch of recognized medical qualifications will be gazetted tomorrow (10th) and will take effect on the same day.

Originally published on AM730 first mainland university on the list-Fudan List of Hong Kong Doctors Accredited Qualifications/323124

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