The first hundred graduates and the opening of Kinesiology, the goals of Medicine in 2022

The graduation of the first hundred new doctors and the definitive confirmation of the opening of the career of Kinesiology appear as the main goals with which it seeks to end this 2022 the Superior School of Medicine, which depends on the National University of Mar del Plata (UNMdP).

“For us, to achieve this would be to close a cycle in some way. Once the first graduates leave between December and January, we would begin to think about another stage of construction of the School of Medicine that does not aim so much at the assembly but at its strengthening”, said Adrián Alasino, the man who directs the institution since he took his first steps inside the public house of studies in February 2017.

Unlike the other years, the last stage of the career places special emphasis on the “mandatory final practices” and for this reason there is a strong management work with mayors of the area so that the students can fulfill the required tasks. “The last year is 20% theoretical and 80% practical and luckily we see a lot of interest in the mayors in having advanced students in their hospitals so that they can do the practices”, highlighted the director of Medicine.

Adrián Alasino has been the director of the School of Medicine since 2017, the year in which he opened his public offer in Mar del Plata. Photo: 0223.

According to Alasino, the number of the first graduates “It could be close to 100 students.” “The focus of our work is on strengthening the primary health care network. That is why we are interested in having a good quality of internships in the municipalities of the area”, he stated, in an interview with 0223.

“Precisely, through our graduates, the contribution of our university is to see how the teams of the municipalities with populations of less than 500,000 inhabitants can be strengthened because those localities are the ones that usually have many difficulties when it comes to finding professionals from health”, explained the doctor.

“It is clear that Medicine is not going to be the only career within the School”

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Referring to the opening of Kinesiology, a possibility that has been considered for years at the UNMdP and that increasingly arouses more expectations, the university official clarified that the final approval depends on the Superior Council of the University, which must discuss the project in sessions degree that was given to him more than a year and a half ago.

“The career plan has already been written and has already been delivered to the Superior Council. The day that let’s open the next career in the School it will be Kinesiology but to say when is something that depends on the Superior Council, and also on the funds sent by the Ministry of Education of the Nation to put it into operation,” said Alasino.

Within the different needs that are envisioned in the health sector, the man from the University recognized that it is a “highly demanded career” when taking into account that the only offer that exists in this regard in the current one only comes from the field private. “Perhaps at the end of the year Kinesiology will be approved by the Superior Council, but after that we will still need at least a semester to start it up,” he said, and clarified: “There is already one thing clear: Medicine is not going to be the only career within the School because this enormous financial effort can be used for multiple other educational ones”.

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