The first goal is to keep the trunk in PGE – 2024-07-23 02:52:01

Within the week, EOPE will officially announce – it will send an invitation – the promotion of the women’s volleyball team of Panachaki to the A2 National League, however the people of the Association are already starting their planning for the new season.

The experienced PGE technician Aris Angelopoulos will meet with the administration very soon to talk about all the issues, however the first decisions seem to have been made.
In the transfer part, the first move will be to talk to 10 female athletes from last season who were the ones who essentially raised the team, through the play-off matches in Crete.
We are talking about Tsakoumis, Katsi, Matala, Tsombanidou, Motsi, Spyropoulou, Karamuntzou, Papaioanou, Chrysanthakopoulou and Patakopoulou.

Contacts will soon be made with them with the aim of staying there and beyond, depending on the result of the contacts, 2-3 more experienced athletes will be acquired.

The coach of PGE, Aris Angelopoulos spoke to “Peloponnisos” and said: “We are happy that the second goal we had set from the beginning was realized and that was the promotion of the team to the A2 National League. It is very important for PGE that a part of it is growing and it is also important for Achaian volleyball that will be represented in the A2 National Team. The support of the administration, but also of the world, is a given in this new journey we will take. I have confidence in the core of the team which we will seek to strengthen.”

#goal #trunk #PGE



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