The first girl with transgender parents is born in France

Avah, this was the name of the first baby to be born in a home whose parents are a transgender couple. The unusual case was registered in France, as reported by the Jacques-Coeur de Bourges Hospital, the entity that attended the delivery.

Matteó and Victoire, Avah’s parents, have been in a sentimental relationship for three years. The couple, according to international media reports, suspended their hormonal treatments for more than two years in order to conceive the little girl, who at birth weighed more than three kilos and measured 50 centimeters.

The new parents met through Matteo’s sister, who appears on the birth certificate as the mother; Victory as the father. This is precisely the new fight that the couple is waging, that Victoire be recognized as the mother and Mattéo as the father, because although they legally changed their gender identity, it does not appear that way in their daughter’s birth registry.

We are willing to fight the state and go to court if necessary, to get to the bottom of things for ourselves and to change things for future trans mapadres.”, Victoire told TN media and said that they will not stop until they set a legal precedent.

“Both we dreamed of having a childSo we decided to try to do it together. Legally, a man can become pregnant. But behind the law the law was not modified so that he can recognize the baby. A transgender man cannot recognize his son, ”they told the outlet from their home in Bourges, in central France.

Now, this couple hopes that their fight will set a precedent in French public policy and will be recognized as they conceive of themselves, Mattéo as father and Victoire as Avah’s mother.

France lives new demonstrations

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The French took to the streets this Thursday, April 6, for an eleventh day of protests against President Emmanuel Macron’s pension reform, eight days before a key decision by the Constitutional Council that could unblock a muddy social conflict.

High schools and universities blocked, some trains cancelled, an “almost normal” frequency on public transport in Paris, temporary blockades to cities such as Rennes, a brief invasion of the headquarters of the asset manager BlackRock. The protest movement continues.

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