The first “game saint” in history will be born, and the late Italian video game boy was approved by the Catholic Church to be canonized | 4Gamers

credit: IGN via CNN

The first “Gamer Saint” in history is born. An Italian teenager who loved video games was nominated as a saint and was canonized along with 14 other deceased ancestors at the regular meeting of the College of Cardinals and Pope Francis on July 1. If officially announced, he will be the first saint of the Millennial generation (born between 1981 and 1990s).

Foreign media CNN reported on July 2, Carlo Acutis died of leukemia in 2006 at the age of 15. He was famous for his use of computer skills to preach for Catholics and was honored as “God’s influencer”.

Usually, to be publicly recognized as a saint (canonized) by the Catholic Church, the approval process takes decades or even centuries, and the deceased must achieve at least two “miracles”, and each supernatural event passed down by word of mouth requires thorough investigation.

But the late Italian gamer’s case has moved forward quickly, perhaps in part because of his affinity with younger generations, in addition to garnering support from churchgoers around the world.

Acutis was born in London in 1991 and moved to Milan, Italy with his family soon following. He was raised in a devout Catholic faith. He often volunteered to assist the homeless, helped neighbors clean up trash, and served in local churches. In addition to many good deeds, he also loved to play games.

In the memories of his family and friends, Acutis loved to play “Halo”, “Super Mario” and “Pokémon” series during his lifetime. During his short life, he also established a remarkable website to record reports of miracles happening around the world. Acutis also likes to play the saxophone, football and loves animals. He shoots interesting short films for his dogs.

Antonia Salzano, Acutis’ mother, described her son as a “symbol of hope”, recalling that her son received a PlayStation console when he was 8 years old, but he had the discipline to play it for only one hour a week to avoid addiction and was familiar with the dangers of the Internet. He has been helping homeless people on the streets of Milan since he was 9 years old, and he also donated pocket money. “He insists on wearing only one pair of shoes, and the money saved is used to help the poor.”

Catholic canonization can only be proposed five years following death. Acutis was nominated in 2012, the sixth year following his death. He was named “The Venerable” in 2018 and was beatified by the church in October 2020. The “Blessed” stage, and recognized the first miracle: a Brazilian boy who was unable to eat due to a congenital defect prayed to Acutis and recovered.

In May 2024, Acutis’ second miracle received Catholic approval, a Costa Rican female college student fell while riding a bicycle and suffered a severe head injury. Her mother personally went to Acutis’s tomb to pray, and her daughter recovered within a month. CNN pointed out that with both miracles certified by the church, Acutis is likely to be officially canonized as a saint in 2025.

In religious art, Catholic saints are often associated with “symbols” symbolizing piety or martyrdom, and are often depicted together with symbols, such as the painting of St. Catherine of Alexandria (Catherine of Alexandria) tortured by a “wheel” Broken wheels are often seen at the feet or behind.

At the beatification ceremony in 2020, Acutis’ portrait was dressed in casual clothes (first picture). If he officially becomes “Saint Acutis”, perhaps the Catholic Church can consider converting his 8-year-old portrait The PS console serves as a symbol of the first “player saint” in history.


credit: IGN via CNN

The First “Gamer Saint” in History

The world of gaming has been forever changed with the potential canonization of Carlo Acutis, an Italian teenager who loved video games. He was nominated for sainthood and was canonized along with 14 other deceased ancestors at the regular meeting of the College of Cardinals and Pope Francis on July 1. If officially announced, he will be the first saint of the Millennial generation (born between 1981 and 1990s).

Carlo Acutis: “God’s Influencer”

Foreign media CNN reported on July 2, Carlo Acutis died of leukemia in 2006 at the age of 15. He was famous for his use of computer skills to preach for Catholics and was honored as “God’s influencer”.

The Path to Sainthood

Usually, to be publicly recognized as a saint (canonized) by the Catholic Church, the approval process takes decades or even centuries. The deceased must achieve at least two “miracles,” and each supernatural event passed down by word of mouth requires rigorous investigation.

However, the late Italian player’s case has moved forward quickly, perhaps in part because of his affinity with younger generations, in addition to garnering support from churchgoers around the world.

A Life of Faith and Gaming

Acutis was born in London in 1991 and moved to Milan, Italy with his family soon following. He was raised in a devout Catholic faith and demonstrated a deep spirituality from a young age. In addition to his devout faith, he was also a passionate gamer. He loved to play “Halo”, “Super Mario” and “Pokémon” series during his lifetime.

Despite his love for video games, Acutis exhibited remarkable discipline. According to his mother, he limited his gaming to only one hour a week to avoid addiction and understood the potential dangers of excessive internet use. He also demonstrated a profound commitment to helping others. He volunteered to assist the homeless, helped neighbors clean up trash, and served in local churches.

More Than Just a Gamer

In the memories of his family and friends, Acutis excelled in many areas beyond gaming. He was an accomplished saxophone player, a talented football player, and a lover of animals. He even shot interesting short films for his dogs.

Antonia Salzano, Acutis’ mother, Describing his son as a “symbol of hope”, recalled that he was a kind and compassionate young man.

The Power of Miracles

Catholic canonization can only be proposed five years following death. Acutis was nominated in 2012, the sixth year following his death. He was named “The Venerable” in 2018 and was beatified by the church in October 2020. This “Blessed” stage acknowledged the first miracle: a Brazilian boy who was unable to eat due to a congenital defect prayed to Acutis and recovered.

In May 2024, Acutis’ second miracle received Catholic approval, a Costa Rican female college student fell while riding a bicycle and suffered a severe head injury. Her mother personally went to Acutis’s tomb to pray, and her daughter recovered within a month. CNN pointed out that with both miracles certified by the church, Acutis is likely to be officially canonized as a saint in 2025.

A New Era for Saints

In religious art, Catholic saints are often associated with “symbols” symbolizing piety or martyrdom. For example, the painting of St. Catherine of Alexandria (Catherine of Alexandria) tortured by a “wheel” often displays broken wheels at the feet or behind the figure. However, as a modern saint, Acutis might be depicted with gaming consoles or other symbols of the digital age.

If Acutis is officially canonized as “Saint Acutis”, the Catholic Church might consider using his 8-year-old portrait with the PS console as a symbol of the first “player saint” in history.

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