The first Egyptian to win membership in the office of the European Society for Cardiac Examination reveals the scenes of winning the position

confirmed dr Hatem SuleimanThe first Egyptian, Arab and African to win membership in the executive office of the European Association for Screening the heartHe has been present for more than 10 years in the association and has risen to scientific positions and the Scientific Research Committee, explaining that he is an active member of the councils within the association..

Dr. Hatem Suleiman added, in a phone call to the “Al-Hayat Al-Youm” program, with the journalist Muhammad Mustafa Shardy, on Al-Hayat channel, that he was promoted within the association and was elected with a large number of votes, saying: “I am proud of what I have achieved thanks to the education I learned in Egypt and reached this prestige“.

He continued: “I am the first person from outside Europe to actually win this position by election, and the responsibility is great and the term of the election is 3 years. Egypt.

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