The welcome of spring performed by the Kalisz Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra promises to be extremely picturesque. On Friday, March 22 at 18.00 The Kalisz Philharmonic invites younger listeners and spectators and their entire families to an encounter with unique symphonic music. The program of the family concert on the First Day of Spring will include the musical fairy tale “Peter and the Wolf” by Sergei Prokofiev and the fabulously beautiful fragments of “Peer Gynt” by Edward Grieg.
The first signs of spring appear in nature earlier and earlier each year. However, waiting for warmer days with more sun can be tedious and requires a ritual of saying goodbye to winter – even a musical one. We recommend the first truly spring walk to the Philharmonic to all those impatiently counting down the last gloomy days. On March 22, just following the calendar First Day of Spring, the Kalisz Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, on the occasion of the arrival of the most beautiful season of the year, will present to young music lovers, their guardians and entire families of listeners blooming interpretations of Edward Grieg’s wonderful compositions (fragments of the 1st and 2nd suites). Peer Gynt) and Sergei Prokofiev (musical fairy tale Peter and the Wolf).
In the first part of the concert, we will hear a work that the Norwegian composer created at the request of his outstanding countryman – Henrik Ibsen, to provide sound for the text of the drama. Peer Gynt telling the story of the winding path of the title character’s fate, full of allegories and fairy-tale elements taken from Scandinavian mythology. Today, it is one of Ibsen’s most popular and best-known works, which is also due to Grieg’s composition in the spirit of romanticism, which contains references to Norwegian folklore and exotic references, among others. to Arabic musical culture.
However, the most important point of the family concert program will be a musical fairy tale by Sergei Prokofiev – Peter and the Wolf op. 67. The concert stage of the Kalisz Philharmonic will resound with the sounds of the forest, where extremely musically gifted animals are hidden. In this magical musical forest, young listeners will encounter birds, a duck, a cat… Oh, wait! And of course the titular wolf! In a narrative written for instrumental voices Peter and the Wolf next to the Kalisz Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra led by its former first violinist and today conductor Dorian Pawełczak, we will also hear an actor from the Theater. Wojciech Bogusławski in Kalisz – Błażej Stencel, who will tell the listeners this fairy-tale story with the highest interpretive skill. The concert will be led by Karolina Bindel, head of the Education Department of the Kalisz Philharmonic.
Family concert About the Wolf, or Fabulous Music will take place on Friday, March 22 at 6 p.m w Kalisz Philharmonic Concert Hall (Aula UAM). Tickets included PLN 40 (guardian/adult) i PLN 30 (child) available online via the website and the website and at the ticket office of the Kalisz Philharmonic, at ul. Aleja Wolności 2. For children up to 4 years old seated on the caregiver’s lap are provided free entry. Family ticket: PLN 120 (the price includes 2 adults and 2 children, a ticket for each additional child costs PLN 20). Family tickets are available only at the Kalisz Philharmonic box office.
March 22, 2024 at 6 p.m
Concert hall of the Kalisz Philharmonic,
Aula im. prof. Jerzy Rubiński Faculty of Pedagogy and Art of the University of Adama Mickiewicza, Kalisz, ul. Nowy Świat 28/30
PLN 40 (adult/guardian), PLN 30 (concession)
Free admission for children up to 4 years old sitting on their guardian’s lap.
Family ticket: PLN 120 (the price includes 2 adults and 2 children, for each additional child the ticket costs PLN 20). Family tickets are available only at the Kalisz Philharmonic box office.
Kalisz Philharmonic:
Edward Grieg, Peer Gynt (fragmenty II II suit)
Sergei Prokofiev, Peter and the Wolf op. 67
Dorian Pawełczak – conductor
Kalisz Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
Błażej Stencel – narrator
Karolina Bindel – driving