The first comment from Ahmed Badir’s daughter after the final verdict was issued against Mai Al-Aidan, after describing her father as “Al-Aqra”

Al-Marsad newspaper: Sarah Badir, the daughter of the artist Ahmed Badir, commented on the cancellation of the verdict of acquittal of Kuwaiti broadcaster, Mai Al-Aidan, from the accusation of insulting and defaming her father, and a fine of 500 Kuwaiti dinars.

Sarah Ahmed Badir wrote, through her personal account on the social networking site Facebook, after canceling the verdict of May Al-Aidan’s acquittal, saying: “Praise be to God .. I was completely confident in the justice and integrity of the Kuwaiti judiciary .. Thank you to the proud, just and impartial Kuwaiti judiciary that supported and affirmed our desire.” To confront the phenomenon of bullying and not stand negatively in the face of the spread of this hateful phenomenon in society.”

And the Kuwaiti media, May Al-Aidan, sparked widespread controversy last July, after she was accused of bullying Sarah, the daughter of the artist Ahmed Badir. At the time, she commented: “A picture of the artist’s daughter, Ahmed Badir… By God, his daughter, Maza, was born, the daughter of Al-Aqra’.”

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