The first city of “15 minutes in Greece 2024-02-24 19:58:35

In particular, as the managing director of Lamda Development Odysseas Athanasiou mentioned in a tribute to the show “New Brave Greece” on ANT1, the new city that is being created from its foundations aims for its residents to satisfy the basic daily functions (e.g. work, shopping , education, health) within 15 minutes on foot, by bike or public transport. We have already seen this trend developing in cities such as Copenhagen, Amsterdam and Singapore.

Regarding the development strategy of the first green and smart city where more than 25,000 inhabitants will live, with thousands of employees, as pointed out by Dimitris Karastogiannis, Chief Corporate Affairs & Business Development Officer of Lamda Development, it is through the use of new technologies and their utilization by collecting data from sensors to manage city infrastructures and networks.

In this way, among other things, there will be possibilities for immediate detection in case of fire, analysis of air quality, traffic regulations, etc. The aim is not to create a smart city of the first generation that will be connected only to the management of the city’s issues, but to take one more step: to provide upgraded experiences that will improve the quality of life for residents, workers and visitors. In this context, all relevant studies have been completed and the ecosystem and applications are already being designed to offer the relevant solutions.

Regarding the green character of the new city, as mentioned by Theodoros Gavrielidis, Chief Investment Officer of Lamda Development, the ambition is for the new city to be a global model. Among other things, it was pointed out that the construction of all buildings in Elliniko will be green, the entire annual need for electricity will be covered by green energy, waste will be recycled and, in general, all circular economy principles will be applied during construction as well of the project. Like by reusing part of the materials, creating an application for the residents of the city, etc.

Internationally, the global trend is for the population of large cities to increase. In 2050, it is estimated that around 70% of the world’s population will live in cities, up from 55% in 2015 and 40% in 1980. In this context, the development of cities based on the principles of sustainability and the circular economy becomes imperative. Cities created from the ground up take a strong lead in this direction.

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#city #minutes #Greece



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