The first case of bird flu in poultry was reported and the Government suspended exports

The Government decided suspend exports of poultry products following the first case of bird flu in poultry was detected today. Until now, the disease, highly destructive for commercial production, had only been reported in wild and backyard birds. Last year Argentina sent the world poultry meat for US$383 million.

The self-suspension of foreign sales is a mechanism that is set in motion precisely by detection in the field of farmyard production. “The National Agri-Food Health and Quality Service (Senasa) confirmed the first positive case of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5 in poultry in the province of Río Negro, with which the country temporarily loses its disease-free status. and self-suspends the export of poultry products in compliance with international standards”, the agency said.

Despite this measure, the entity pointed out that poultry production for consumption in the country will continue to develop normally since the disease “is not transmitted by the consumption of chicken meat and eggs. Likewise, those refrigerators that export, will be able to commercialize their products in the internal market”.

According to Senasa, the positive case comes from a broiler chicken establishment located in the town of Mainque, province of Río Negro, south of the Patagonian zoophytosanitary barrier, in an area of ​​low poultry density.

“Senasa ordered to carry out the corresponding containment measures, established in the Avian Influenza Contingency Manual, in order to avoid the spread of the disease in other establishments that produce birds destined for the commercial circuit,” Indian.

“Senasa authorities, professionals and technicians are already working in order to achieve the prompt restitution of the country’s status free of the disease, and the resumption of poultry exports.”

Of 177 notifications of the disease analyzed by the Senasa Laboratory to date, there are 25 confirmed cases in wild birds (3), backyard (21) and commercial sector (1) distributed as follows: 13 in Córdoba, 4 in Buenos Aires, 2 in Río Negro, 2 in Santa Fe, 1 in Jujuy, 1 in Neuquén, 1 in San Luis and 1 in Salta.

On Twitter, the Secretary of Agriculture, Juan Jose Bahillo, He pointed out: “Our poultry products continue to be safe for Argentines. The suspension of exports responds to the requirements of international regulations. He added: “Senasa decided to carry out the corresponding containment measures, established in the Avian Influenza Contingency Manual, in order to avoid dispersion in other poultry-producing establishments. Our dialogue with the private sector is constant, as is our presence of technicians in the territory to continue reinforcing the biosafety measures necessary to deal with the situation and restore our country’s health status as soon as possible.”

On Friday of last week, Japan had temporarily suspended imports of poultry products from Argentina due to the bird flu detected in the country. At that time, the Government filed a complaint with that country.

Last year, Argentina sent the world poultry meat for US$383 million. 75% went to China and then followed in importance by Saudi Arabia and Europe. Japan, meanwhile, purchases more egg products and does so for regarding US$6 million.


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