The first appearance of the Saudi celebrity Ryan Geller after the news of his death

date of publication:
February 20 2022 17:38 GMT

Update date: February 20 2022 18:45 GMT

The star of Saudi social networking sites, Ryan Geller, revealed the truth about what he was exposed to during the past few days after he was admitted to the hospital, in conjunction with circulating news of his death due to a mysterious obituary published on his account on “Snapchat”.

Ryan Geller came out for the first time in a video clip to talk about his health condition, and the reason for the obituary he published, saying, “He was admitted to the hospital, on February 13th, due to his chronic suffering with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, where he fell ill because of a topic that disturbed him.”

In an interview with ET Arabic TV, Giller added that his hospitalization coincided with the death of a close friend of his, which prompted him to publish the obituary and then turn off his phone following the rumors that followed him, which he was unable to respond to due to his health condition.

In the clip, which he re-published through his account on “Instagram”, “Geller” explained that he postponed the response to the rumors, and denied the news of his death, until he was able to respond, pointing out that the event was horrific for him and those around him, as he actually lived death during the few days. past, and was able to discover the feelings of those around him.

“Geller” indicated that his suffering with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and chronic digestive disorders makes him frequent the hospital from time to time, which makes him vulnerable to rumors, according to him.

He stressed that he is a “person who does not need to stir up controversy,” and that if he meant what happened to him to provoke controversy, he is a “psychiatric patient,” and he will take care of his own treatment, but he is confident of his safety “psychologically and mentally.”

And the pioneers of social networking sites circulated a few days ago, news of the death of Ryan Geller, among the publications of an ” obituary” on his accounts.

Followers expressed their shock at the news, while others questioned it, attributing this to the habit of “Geller” publishing many incorrect news about his personal life, with the aim of provoking controversy.

Two days ago, “Giller” revealed in an exclusive statement to “Erm News”, that he was in the hospital and was discharged from it a while ago, which did not enable him to clarify the truth of the news circulating about his death.

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He commented: “I am still coming out of the hospital, and I have not pursued a response to all, by God.”

The Saudi celebrity had previously sparked controversy and was criticized for his appearance, as some compared him to women after his appearance months ago with earrings in his ears, and these criticisms prompted “Geller” to file lawsuits against those who criticized and attacked him.

About two weeks ago, “Geller” sent a message to his followers, in which he revealed that he was in a state of frustration and sadness, and was dissatisfied with the way he appeared through his electronic accounts.

He declared that he wanted to start a new life, pointing out that he was not satisfied with himself on social networking sites, and that he had energy to devote to more useful work for himself and his followers.

And the Saudi celebrity, at the time, continued: “I wasted a lot of time without making something of myself and my talents that I have wronged. I must move forward and leave the stagnation, and I hope that the frustration and sadness that I feel will give me an incentive to make a new vision.”

He indicated that he did not regret his previous actions because he “made it”, saying: “I feel that I have had an awakening that I must use in a new strength of will for a new beginning far from all the past.”

At the end of his message, he demanded his followers to bear it, pointing out that “he started at a young age and was floundering, but he grew up and began to mature, and his ideas began to change, and he decided to change towards positive things.”

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