The fires are still burning.. What did the Israeli raids do to Yemen?

On Saturday, Israeli airstrikes targeted a power plant and fuel storage facilities at the port of Hodeidah, the primary maritime entry point controlled by the Iran-backed Houthis in western Yemen.

So far, reports indicate significant damage from the attack, which ignited oil tanks and followed the first deadly Houthi assault on Tel Aviv a day earlier.

Storage facilities

In a significant escalation, Israeli fighter jets struck the strategic port of Hodeidah on Saturday, just after Yemeni rebels took responsibility for a drone attack that resulted in one fatality in Tel Aviv. This marked the first occasion that Israel has claimed responsibility for an attack targeting Yemen.

The port of Hodeidah serves as a crucial gateway for fuel and humanitarian aid entering Yemen, where more than half of the population relies on such assistance, according to the United Nations.

The Houthis reported that the airstrikes targeted fuel storage facilities at the port, resulting in the deaths of six individuals, all employees of the Yemeni Oil Company. They also claimed that a nearby power station was affected, according to the group, which is recognized as a terrorist organization by Washington and refers to itself as Ansar Allah.

However, Houthi-affiliated Al Masirah TV reported on Monday that an official funeral was held for nine workers from the fuel tank facilities and the port of Hodeidah who lost their lives in the Israeli attack.

Images from AFP depicted thick flames and black smoke rising from the burning oil tanks at the port, with debris scattered across the dock where equipment was damaged.

High-resolution satellite images taken by Maxar Technologies showed flames consuming the port’s severely damaged fuel storage area, which appeared to still be ablaze on Monday.

Satellite images show fires still burning at Hodeidah port on Monday

Firefighting teams continued their efforts on Monday to control the massive blaze ongoing in the port of Hodeidah, two days post the deadly Israeli airstrike that struck oil tanks and a power station.

A Hodeidah port employee, who was present during the attack, reported that multiple tanks exploded in rapid succession.

However, he shared with AFP, requesting anonymity due to security concerns, that “the port, its dock, containers, and ships are all secure.”

Satellite images from Planet Earth Imaging, analyzed by the Dutch peace organization PAX, revealed at least 33 destroyed oil storage facilities, according to Wim Zwijnenburg, a project manager at the organization.

“We anticipate further damage since not all storage tanks are visible due to the thick smoke,” Zwijnenburg informed AFP.

Cranes and ships

According to Zwijnenburg, the bombing resulted in the loss of at least tens of thousands of liters of oil. “Local coastal pollution from contaminated water and fuel leaks is expected,” noted the expert on the environmental impacts of warfare.

Meanwhile, the British maritime security agency AMBREY stated that satellite images taken after the strikes indicated “severe damage to petroleum product storage facilities,” but clarified that “bulk cargo storage facilities seem unaffected.”

The US-based Navanti Group reported that the strikes destroyed five cranes and much of the port’s 150,000-tonne fuel storage capacity, reducing Hodeidah province’s total capacity to 50,000.

On Sunday, the Israeli military released a video showing the targeting of two container cranes at the port. “Ambry” noted that there were two commercial ships present at the time of the strikes but did not specify whether they sustained damage.

The British agency tracked four commercial ships at the port during the raids and eight additional vessels in anchorage. “Ambry” reported on Monday that “no ships have entered or departed since the Israeli attack on Hodeidah.”

Damaged aid ship

The World Food Programme informed AFP on Monday that “a WFP vessel carrying food supplies and a fuel storage facility at the port… suffered minor damage to the crane” during the strikes.

Pierre Onuora, the World Food Programme’s country director in Yemen, explained that the ship “remains operational,” but “it is likely that all of the 780,000 liters of fuel stock has been destroyed,” adding that all agency personnel are safe and accounted for.

“WFP will provide sufficient fuel supplies to ensure that this loss does not impact our operations significantly,” he noted.

Yemeni port authorities asserted that the port of Hodeidah was “operating at full capacity,” according to the Houthi-run Saba News Agency.

The agency quoted port official Nasr Al-Nusairi stating on Sunday: “We are working around the clock to receive all vessels, and there is no concern about the supply chain or the supplies of food, medicine, and petroleum products.”

Houthi Minister of Transport, Abdul-Wahhab al-Durra, announced on Monday that “work is ongoing to receive and unload ships carrying food and oil products within 24 hours.”

    <h1>Israeli Airstrikes on Hodeidah Port: Impact on Fuel Storage and Humanitarian Efforts</h1>

    <p>Israeli airstrikes on Saturday struck a significant blow to the port of Hodeidah, targeting a power plant and vital fuel storage facilities under the control of the Iran-backed Houthis in western Yemen. This military action comes in the wake of escalating tensions in the region, particularly following a Houthi drone attack on Tel Aviv that resulted in casualties.</p>

    <h2>Details of the Airstrike</h2>
    <p>The Israeli fighters executed the raid on Saturday, marking the first time Israel has publicly taken responsibility for an attack on Yemen. The port of Hodeidah serves as a crucial entry point for fuel and humanitarian aid to Yemen, where the United Nations estimates that over half of the population relies on aid.</p>

    <h3>Immediate Consequences</h3>
        <li>Six reported fatalities: All victims were port employees of the Yemeni Oil Company.</li>
        <li>Significant damage: The strikes ignited oil storage tanks, leading to large flames and extensive smoke.</li>
        <li>Military strategy: This offensive underscores Israel's commitment to countering threats from the Houthis, particularly after their recent attacks on Israeli territory.</li>

    <h2>Extent of Damage at Hodeidah Port</h2>
    <p>The Houthis reported that both the fuel storage facilities and a nearby power station suffered severe damage. Eyewitness accounts and satellite imagery provide a clearer picture of the destruction:</p>
        <li>Images showed large fires consuming the fuel storage area, with flames continuing to burn days after the attack.</li>
        <li>Satellite images revealed at least 33 oil storage facilities were destroyed.</li>
        <li>An employee at the port reported multiple explosions from the tanks, indicating the ferocity of the bombing.</li>

    <h3>Environmental Impact</h3>
    <p>The environmental ramifications of this strike are also significant. Experts predict local coastal pollution due to leaks and contaminated water resulting from the explosions:</p>
        <li>At least tens of thousands of liters of oil were burned during the attack.</li>
        <li>The potential for long-term ecological damage to the surrounding area and marine life is high.</li>

    <h2>Impact on Humanitarian Operations</h2>
    <p>The World Food Programme (WFP) reported that one of their ships, which was carrying essential food supplies, also sustained minor damage to its crane. However, they assured that their operations would not be severely impacted:</p>

    <h3>WFP's Response</h3>
    <p>Pierre Onuora, the WFP country director in Yemen, stated:</p>
        “WFP will provide sufficient fuel supplies to ensure that this loss does not have a significant impact on our operations.”

    <h3>Port Operations</h3>
    <p>Despite the destruction, Houthi officials claimed that the port was operating at full capacity:</p>
        <li>Nasr Al-Nusairi, a port official, insisted that they were working around the clock to receive incoming ships.</li>
        <li>There were no disruptions in the supply chain for food and humanitarian aid, despite the attacks.</li>

    <h2>Technical Details of the Attack</h2>
    <p>According to satellite imagery analyzed by organizations such as AMBREY and PAX, the damage included:</p>

    <h3>Physical Damage Assessment</h3>
    <table class="wp-table">
                <td>Fuel Storage Facilities</td>
                <td>33 facilities destroyed</td>
                <td>Severely Damaged</td>
                <td>5 cranes destroyed</td>
                <td>Power Plant</td>
                <td>Extent of damage unspecified</td>

    <h2>Ongoing Developments</h2>
    <p>Firefighting teams are working tirelessly to control the ongoing fires at Hodeidah. As of Monday, local reports indicated:</p>
        <li>The port's infrastructure, including docks and ships, were still intact despite the attack.</li>
        <li>Measures were being implemented to receive and unload ships carrying crucial supplies within 24 hours.</li>

    <h2>Public Reactions and International Implications</h2>
    <p>The airstrikes have generated a strong reaction from the international community, with concerns regarding escalated conflict in the already war-torn Yemen. Observers speculate the ramifications of this attack could extend beyond humanitarian concerns, potentially affecting Israel's relations in the region.</p>

    <h3>Psychological Impact on Local Population</h3>
    <p>The local populace, already reeling from years of conflict, is now faced with worsening conditions due to increased military activity. Community leaders have voiced concerns about the long-term impacts on security, health, and economic stability in a country that is already under severe strain.</p>

    <h2>Concluding Remarks</h2>
    <p>This recent airstrike demonstrates the complex and often hostile dynamics at play in the Middle East. As international stakeholders gauge the future of Yemen and its humanitarian needs, the attention will remain on the ongoing conflict and the potential for further military actions.</p>

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