The final note of the Song Festival in Vingios Park: the 100th anniversary concert and the National Anthem that swept the world | Names

The procession of several tens of thousands of participants moved approximately four kilometers through the center of the capital to the stage of Vingis Park, where the Song Day concert “To praise the green” takes place, summing up the entire week of the centenary Song Festival.

“A century is like a period of history, and a century is like a never-ending song, the words of which are the history of our state and our culture, clearly reflected in the hundred-year tradition of the Song Festival,” said the organizers.

“Song is the key and irreplaceable word of this tradition, which is the focus of the creators of the Day of Songs, who have compiled the festival’s program from the most important and most sonorous works, testifying to the changing times and the path of singing culture, giving meaning to us – a singing, creative nation, responding to the same words of the song with different voices” , they claimed.

As many as 12,000 people sang together on the stage specially built for Song Day in Vingis Park. performers.

The crowd gathered here started the final concert of the Song Festival very sensitively – tens of thousands of people flocked to Vingis Park and sang the Lithuanian national anthem together.

Photo by Roberto Riabovo/BNS/Day of songs “To make the forest green”

It is true that the National Anthem on July 6th was traditionally echoed for the 15th time not only on Song Day in Vingios Park, but also all over the world.

The national anthem was also sung by a crowd of people in Palanga.

On the 6th of July, dozens of communities invited the expatriate Lithuanians to sing together, municipalities and various communities are preparing to sing throughout Lithuania.

This time, the unique singing tradition was prepared very responsibly: Aurimas Valujavičius, who rides a bicycle in New Zealand, looked for the most suitable place, Lithuanians settled in exotic Pacific islands compared their national attributes, and divers rehearsed the song underwater. On Saturday, the National Anthem sounded under the waves of Lake Galves in Trakai.

“Singing all four columns under water is possible, but we started with one, then tried two. Although our divers proved at the World Freediving Championship in Kaunas that they can stay under water for almost 7 minutes, singing is something else entirely, because with every word of the anthem we let the air out of our lungs,” said freediving instructor Tadas Jurgaitis.

This year the Song Festival attracted tens of thousands of performers

According to the organizers of the Song Festival, which started on June 29, this year, 37,000 people took part in it. performers who danced, sang and played in 14 events.

For the first time, the Day of Songs was held in Kaunas in 1924, since then marches of the participants have been organized. Two decades ago, UNESCO declared the Song Festival tradition of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania a masterpiece of the oral and intangible cultural heritage of humanity.

#final #note #Song #Festival #Vingios #Park #100th #anniversary #concert #National #Anthem #swept #world #Names
2024-07-07 01:24:12



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