The Final Farewell: Phasing Out GEZ Fee Services

The Final Farewell: Phasing Out GEZ Fee Services

Some love it because they appreciate the quality of the reporting provided by public broadcasters in Germany, others hate it: the broadcasting fee, currently amounting to 18.36 euros per month to finance ARD, ZDF and Deutschlandradio. (Almost) every German household has to pay it. But anyone who pays the GEZ fee by bank transfer must prepare for an important change.

Broadcasting fee: One-off payment request is coming

In future, the regular written payment request will be gradually discontinued, according to the Contribution Service, the administrative association of the affiliated broadcasting companies. Anyone who does not pay by direct debit will soon only receive a one-off letter with the payment dates for the broadcasting fees. This is a so-called One-off payment requestIt replaces the written request for payment, which is also colloquially called an invoice.

The one-off letter contains four payment dates that are binding for the payment of the broadcasting fee each year. The dates are valid continuously, including for subsequent years. There will no longer be a new reminder in the future. Instead, each household is responsible for paying the GEZ fee on time. The aim is to make the contribution service even more sustainable and cost-efficient. Due to massive increases in the prices of paper and postage, the change will contribute to the cost stability of the contribution collection. is called it from the contribution service.

Post about GEZ fees rarely arrives

The first contributors have already received the one-off payment request. For all others who still pay the broadcasting fee by bank transfer, the changeover will take place gradually over the next few months. Nothing will change until the one-off payment request is received. In future, there will only be “GEZ mail” if there is a change in the general procedure for collecting contributions. For example, if there is an adjustment to the amount of the contribution.

Anyone who forgets to pay the broadcasting fee will have to wait until a Assessment notice This is an enforceable title that is sent by post with a late payment surcharge of one percent of the outstanding debt, but at least 8 euros. Anyone who does not pay this surcharge must expect new surcharges on the next payment date. It is therefore advisable to set up a standing order so that the GEZ fee payments always reach the contribution service on time. Or to use the SEPA direct debit procedure for paying the broadcasting fees.

Read more now

GEZ fees are not enough: ARD wants even more money

The Final Farewell: Phasing Out GEZ Fee Services

Here‌ are some People Also Ask (PAA) questions ‍related⁢ to “The German TV Tax (Rundfunkbeitrag): Understanding the Broadcasting Fee and its Upcoming Changes”:

The German‍ TV Tax (Rundfunkbeitrag): Understanding the Broadcasting Fee and its Upcoming Changes

In ⁤Germany, the TV tax, also ‌known ⁤as the Rundfunkbeitrag, ‍is a public broadcasting tax that​ every⁣ household is required to pay. The current monthly fee amounts​ to €18.36‍ per ​household, which finances public broadcasters⁤ such as⁤ ARD, ZDF, and Deutschlandradio.‌ While some⁤ appreciate the ​quality of reporting provided by ​these public broadcasters, ⁣others ‍may find ‌the fee burdensome. However, it ​is ⁢essential to understand the purpose and implications of the Rundfunkbeitrag, as well‍ as the upcoming changes to the payment ⁤process.

What is the Rundfunkbeitrag?

The Rundfunkbeitrag‌ is a flat-rate contribution‌ that every household in Germany must pay. It is ⁣not charged per person, but rather per household, ‍and the fee is the same for every household, ⁤regardless of​ the‌ number of people living there [[1]][[2]]. The revenue generated from this fee is used to ⁢fund ⁤public ‌broadcasting services, ‍which provide high-quality reporting and programming to the ​German public.

Upcoming Changes ‍to the Payment Process

In the near future, the​ regular written payment request ⁢will be‍ gradually discontinued. Instead, households that do not pay by direct debit will receive a one-off letter with the payment dates for the broadcasting fees. This is‌ known as the “One-off payment request” and replaces the⁢ written request for payment, which is also colloquially called an invoice. The one-off letter contains four payment dates that are binding for the payment of ⁢the broadcasting fee⁣ each year, and these dates are valid continuously, including for subsequent ⁣years [[3]].

The aim ⁣of this change is to make the contribution service‍ even more ‍sustainable and cost-efficient. Due ​to massive⁤ increases in ⁢the prices of paper and postage, the⁢ change will contribute to the cost stability of the contribution ⁣collection. Households that still pay the broadcasting fee by bank transfer⁣ will gradually receive the one-off payment request over the ⁤next few months.

Consequences of Non-Payment

It is crucial to⁢ pay‍ the Rundfunkbeitrag on time ​to avoid ⁤any penalties or ⁤surcharges. ⁢Anyone who forgets to pay the broadcasting fee will⁢ have to wait until an Assessment notice ‌is sent by post with a late‍ payment surcharge of‍ one percent of the outstanding​ debt, but⁢ at least €8. If this surcharge is not paid, new surcharges will⁣ be added to the next ⁢payment ⁤date. To avoid this, ⁣it is advisable to set up ⁢a​ standing order or use the⁤ SEPA direct debit procedure for ‌paying the broadcasting fees.

Exemptions ⁣and‌ Revenue

Exemptions from⁣ contributions for social⁢ reasons have been declining, ⁢with a 0.4 percent decrease in 2023 and a 2.4 percent decrease in 2022 [[3]]. In total, around 2.42 million ⁣households were exempt from paying the Rundfunkbeitrag in ​2023.⁣ The revenue​ generated from the broadcasting ⁣fee has seen a significant increase, with a total of €8.1 billion in 2023.

the Rundfunkbeitrag is an essential fee that supports public broadcasting services‍ in Germany. While some may find it burdensome, ⁤it is crucial to understand ⁤the purpose and implications of ‍the fee, as well as the upcoming changes to the payment process. By setting⁤ up a standing order or using the SEPA direct debit procedure,​ households can​ ensure that they⁤ pay the fee on time ⁤and avoid any penalties or surcharges.

Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title: **The German TV Tax (Rundfunkbeitrag): Understanding the Broadcasting Fee and its Upcoming Changes**:

The German TV Tax (Rundfunkbeitrag): Understanding the Broadcasting Fee and its Upcoming Changes

In Germany, the broadcasting fee, also known as Rundfunkbeitrag, is a mandatory payment for almost every household, currently amounting to 18.36 euros per month [1[1]. The fee serves to finance public broadcasters, including ARD, ZDF, and Deutschlandradio, and is based on a contributory model. However, with a potential TV tax price hike on the horizon, many are left wondering what the fee is, how to pay it, and how to avoid it [2[2].

One-off Payment Request is Coming

In the near future, the regular written payment request will be discontinued, and households that do not pay by direct debit will only receive a one-off letter with the payment dates for the broadcasting fees [3[3]. This change aims to make the contribution service more sustainable and cost-efficient, as the prices of paper and postage have increased significantly.

Understanding the One-off Payment Request

The one-off letter contains four payment dates that are binding for the payment of the broadcasting fee each year. These dates are valid continuously, including for subsequent years, and there will no longer be a new reminder in the future. Instead, each household is responsible for paying the GEZ fee on time. It is essential to set up a standing order or use the SEPA direct debit procedure to ensure timely payments and avoid surcharges.

Post about GEZ Fees Rarely Arrives

The first contributors have already received the one-off payment request, and for others who still pay the broadcasting fee by bank transfer, the changeover will take place gradually over the next few months. Nothing will change until the one-off payment request is received. In the future, there will only be “GEZ mail” if there is a change in the general procedure for collecting contributions, such as an adjustment to the amount of the contribution.

Consequences of Late Payment

Anyone who forgets to pay the broadcasting fee will have to wait until an Assessment notice is sent, which is an enforceable title that carries a late payment surcharge of one percent of the outstanding debt, but at least 8 euros. Failure to pay this surcharge will result in new surcharges on the next payment date.

Changes in the German TV Tax

German politicians are moving to oppose an increase to licence fees in 2025, as public broadcasters face mounting cost pressures [3[3]. As the discussion around the TV tax continues, it is essential for households to stay informed about the changes and ensure timely payments to avoid surcharges.

By understanding the broadcasting fee and its upcoming changes, households in Germany can ensure they are prepared for the one-off payment request and avoid potential surcharges.



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