The film “Old Wall” that tells the story of the old Xi’an people will be released in theaters in the province

The film “Old Wall” that tells the story of the old Xi’an people will be released in theaters in the province

2022-09-05 17:15:33Source: Xi’an News Network

The reporter learned from the Rong Media Center of Xixian New District that the film “Old Wall” produced by Fengdong New City of Xixian New District and Shaanxi Juwei Film Co., Ltd. will be released in some theaters in the province on September 9. The film will win the jury award of the 9th Vancouver Chinese Film Festival “Red Maple Leaf Award” in 2021, and the best feature film at the Frankfurt International Film Festival in 2022. It is a masterpiece with a strong Xi’an style.

“Old Wall” is directed and written by Ma Shiman, a young and cutting-edge director from Shaanxi Province. Gao Feng, the former deputy director of CCTV, is the director, and Zhang Ali, a professor and doctoral director of Northwestern University, is the art director. It is a major cultural quality support project in Shaanxi Province.

The rich cultural background, the fresh and unique literary atmosphere, the city life under the city walls of Xi’an, the Qin Opera arias that can be heard everywhere, and the local snacks that can be seen everywhere make this film full of “Xi’an characteristics”. The film takes Xi’an city wall as the background, through the different conflicts of three families: the emotional conflict between Lao Lin, who lives in hardships but takes in children with autism, and the son of a labor prisoner; The cultural conflict between Feng’s old shadow puppet and Sun Tzu’s cello shows the mental journey of three generations under the conflict of the times. It is interspersed with the ancient city wall of Xi’an, the Forest of Steles Museum, Qin Opera, shadow puppets, mutton steamed buns, ice peaks, dry beer and other distinctive Xi’an urban imprints and regional folk cultural elements. From the most simple “old Xi’an people” perspective, it tells the story of the three families from Alienation, alienation to understanding, acceptance, and gradually returning to the story of the “home” deep in my heart. The three families who were originally unrelated were also intertwined because of the ancient city wall, and the inheritance in the blood became the thickest emotional bond between them.

It is understood that the film will not only be released in China, but will also go to overseas markets to show the world the image and charm of the ancient city of Xi’an.

(Yu Zhonghu, Lu Cong, reporter of all media of Xi’an Newspaper Industry

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