The latest film by director Hanung Bramantyo, God Allows Me to Sin, produced by MVP Pictures and Dapur Films just released its official trailer, yesterday, (30/4/2024). In the trailer, the journey of Kiran (Aghniny Haque), a Muslim woman who is on a journey to find her identity, is told. He faces a series of problems that make him face various difficult choices in life.
The film God Allows Me to Sin is an adaptation of the novel entitled God Allows Me to Be a Prostitute by Muhidin M. Dahlan. This film stars, among others, Aghniny Haque, Andri Mashadi, Donny Damara, Djenar Maesa Ayu, Nugie, Samo Rafael, Keanu Angelo, Nikita Mirzani, and Ridwan Raoull.
“My history with Hanung is making films that become role models and a special attraction for our industry. “Hopefully following people have waited a long time, by launching this trailer they can be satisfied,” said MVP Pictures producer Raam Punjabi at a press conference for the release of the trailer and poster at XXI Epicentrum, Kuningan, South Jakarta, Tuesday, (30/4/2024).
During a pandemic it is as if the world is restarting. The Eid moment opened my eyes, the Indonesian audience had all grown up. Not in terms of age but in thinking, and is reluctant to be given stereotypical food. But there are those who still love it (stereotypical films/entertainment shows). “That’s why the situation has changed, what’s wrong with us making films that are not stereotypical,” added the director of the film God Allows Me to Sin, Hanung Bramantyo.
Previously, this film was shown at several film festivals, including JAFF 2023. The film has also held several special screenings. For Hanung, this method is new to him. After holding a series of special screenings, he believes his new film can be shown more widely in cinema networks. The film God Allows Me to Sin will be shown on May 22 2024 in cinemas.
Aghniny, who plays Kiran, said her role in this film was very challenging. Playing Kiran, he has to undergo two timelines of character development between when Kiran is pious and Kiran who then searches for identity in the life journey he takes.
“I want to say thank you to Mas Hanung and Pak Raam who always provide challenging roles. For me, the role of Kiran is a new achievement for me in the world of acting. I play two roles, one as Kiran who is righteous and the other as Kiran who is looking for his identity. Kiran’s role was extraordinary in my opinion. In terms of range emotions are very broad,” said Aghniny. (Z-11)
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