The Film Festival faces its 8th edition as one of the great cultural attractions of Santander

Presentation of the VIII Santander Film Festival

The Councillor for Culture, Noemí Méndez, presents the eighth edition of the Santander Film Festival and assures the support of the City Council for an event that stands out for its openness to the public.

Santander City Council has presented the eighth edition of the Santander Film Festival, an event that in just a few years has established itself as a benchmark in the field of the seventh art, both regionally, nationally and internationally.

This event, which began its journey in 2017 under the format of the International Film Week, has evolved and grown to become, since 2022, a fully consolidated festival specialized in the exhibition of first films.

During the presentation, the Councillor for Culture, Noemí Méndez, stressed the importance of the festival for the city, emphasizing that it is not simply another event in the city’s cultural calendar, but a meeting point with the public who, in this way, can better understand a language that brings together different artistic disciplines.

According to him, this bond has been strengthened with each edition and today allows us to celebrate the continuity and expansion of this wonderful initiative that brings together the youngest to introduce them to the world of cinema.

This year, the festival will take place from 13 to 19 September and once again, the Botín Centre will be the main venue for the activities, symbolising the integration of culture and the natural environment that characterises Santander.

The event will offer a wide programme including screenings, tributes and educational activities, standing out for its inclusive and accessible approach for all citizens. All screenings will be open to the public, with symbolic prices of €3, and in some cases, free admission until full capacity is reached.

The presentation also highlighted the festival’s commitment to sustainability, as the Santander Film Festival has integrated sustainability as one of its priorities, not just as an abstract concept, but as a tangible and visible reality in each of its editions.

In this regard, the initiative of the ‘Film Forest’, promoted to neutralise the festival’s carbon footprint, has been highlighted, as well as the presentation of the ‘Green Lighthouse’ to the Odisea channel, in recognition of its work in promoting environmental values.

The eighth edition of the Santander Film Festival promises to be an unmissable event for film lovers, with a diverse and high-quality programme that will undoubtedly leave a mark on all attendees.

All information about the festival and the programme are available at



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