The filling rate of dams in Morocco exceeds 28% thanks to recent rainfall.. Details


The total filling rate of dams in Morocco currently exceeds 28 percent, an increase of two points compared to the same period last year.

This increase is due to the rainfall that has occurred in several regions of the Kingdom in recent weeks, where the filling rate, according to data from the Ministry of Equipment and Water, reached 28.1 percent until yesterday, Wednesday, which is equivalent to a reserve of more than 4.532 million cubic meters of water.

The same data showed that this rate represents an increase of more than 2 percent compared to the same period last year.

At the level of water basins, the regions located in the southeast and center of the Kingdom have benefited significantly from the recent rains. Improvements have been recorded in the Bouregreg-Chaouia, Guer Ziz Ghris, Oum Er-Rbia and Moulouya basins.

In this context, Moulay Mohamed Slimani, Director of the Water Basin Agency of Khir-Ziz-Ghris, announced that the total water flowing into the Qaddousa and Hassan Dakhil dams during the past 24 hours amounted to 8 million cubic meters.

According to available data, Hassan Al Dakhil Dam received approximately 7 million cubic meters, bringing its total volume to 142 million cubic meters, with a filling rate of 45 percent. As for Qudusa Dam, it received one million cubic meters, bringing its total volume to approximately 63 million cubic meters, with a filling rate of 28 percent.

Thus, the total filling rate of the dams of the Ker-Ziz-Gheris basin reached 45.51 percent, making this basin the second largest in terms of reserves after the Loukkos basin, which has a filling rate of 50 percent.

#filling #rate #dams #Morocco #exceeds #rainfall. #Details
2024-09-23 01:02:21



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