The field has started, “cold” water welcomed the participants of the competition

On Sunday morning, the 42nd Lidl Balaton swim started in Révfülöp. According to the organizers, the first runners – including members of the junior swimming team – started at 7 o’clock sharp to complete the 5.2 kilometer distance. The destination is Platán beach in Balatonboglár.

The event was originally scheduled to take place on Saturday, but due to uncertain weather, it had to be postponed by a day. On Sunday, almost ideal conditions awaited the runners, you can start until 12:00, the organizers expect 11 and a half thousand entrants. The participants of the Balaton crossing were greeted by sunny, slightly windy weather and – as the Balaton sailors say – “ironed out”, i.e. completely smooth water. The water in the lake is 26-27 degrees and no significant wind is expected later either.

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The very first runners were let into the water at seven o’clock to head towards the southern shore of Lake Balaton along the swimming corridor created with the help of around 150 sailing boats. If you get tired, you can hold on or even climb out and rest on the sailboats.

Almost half a thousand national soldiers also set off for the distance

The Hungarian Armed Forces will participate in the 42nd Lidl Lake Balaton swim on Sunday, with 462 members of regarding forty national defense units. Major General Zoltán Somogyi, the Chief of Staff of the National Defense Staff, greeted the participating soldiers and civilian employees in Révfülöp on Sunday morning. He pointed out that the Hungarian Armed Forces have been participating in the Balaton crossing with the Floating Fortress program for more than twenty years.

He added that, in addition to physical fitness, team spirit is also important for soldiers, in addition to this, sports are essential due to the existence of physical endurance, and their tasks are usually carried out as a team. Zoltán Somogyi expressed his hope that by participating in the Balaton swim, the Hungarian Defense Forces will be further popularized among the population.

Cover photo: Tamás Vasvári, MTI/MTVA



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