The French Federation of Cardiology (FFC) recently put a test online allowing everyone to assess their own cardiovascular risks. A way of remembering that smoking is one of the major causes of pathologies and cardiovascular accidents.
Raising awareness of the cardiovascular risks linked to our lifestyle and our risk factors and knowing your own risks, these are the two axes of the test launched in recent days by the French Federation of Cardiology (FFC). The test is available on line and allows us to personally assess, quantitatively or qualitatively, the cardiovascular risks to which we are exposed[1]. It also points out the aspects of our lifestyle to modify in order to reduce these risks.
The launch of this test comes in the midst of a national awareness campaign on cardiovascular risks, also broadcast by the FFC on television and on social networks.[2]. 5 films of 20 seconds are broadcast, depicting physical activity, diet, smoking, stress and screening, and invite us to question our behavior.
A personalized test, with immediate results
The test proposed by the FFC integrates the person’s profile (age, sex, weight, height, heredity), but also lifestyle (tobacco, alcohol, diet, physical exercise, stress) and individual risk factors (high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, sleep apnea syndrome).
When the user knows his blood pressure and his cholesterol level, a quantified evaluation of the percentage of risk can be delivered immediately. Varying any of this information also makes it possible to visualize the benefits that might be obtained. In the absence of these data, a qualitative assessment of these risks (low to high risk) is provided. If the presence of risks is noted, the user is invited to consult his doctor or a cardiologist. However, this test is not intended for people who have already had a cardiovascular accident.
The leading cause of death among women and those over 65, cardiovascular disease causes 400 deaths every day. 80% of these would however be avoidable by simple screening actions, to which this test intends to contribute.
Tobacco, a major factor in cardiovascular disease
If cancers are at the forefront of the pathologies caused by smoking, cardiovascular pathologies are located just following, in front of respiratory disorders, but these risks are less well known. known public. Smoking, however, triples the risks of cardiovascular diseases, and by five those of causing a myocardial infarction. However, studies show that smoking cessation significantly reduces cardiovascular risks at all ages.
Keywords: test, cardiovascular risks, FFC, tobacco
[2] #whatever